javascript - RxJs 管道和可出租运算符 `map` : 'this' context of type 'void' is not assignable to method's 'this' of type 'Observable<{}>'

标签 javascript typescript rxjs

我有一个非常基本的例子,它使用可出租运算符 mappipe来自 rxjs@5.5 :

import { map } from 'rxjs/operator/map';

let o = of(1, 2, 3, 4).pipe(
    map((v) => v * 2)

但它会产生错误 Error:(34, 5) TS2684:The 'this' context of type 'void' is not assignable to method's 'this' of type 'Observable<{}>'.这里有什么问题?


应从 rxjs/operators 导入可出租实例运算符:

import { map } from 'rxjs/operators';

与从 rxjs/operator 导入的不可出租的等价物相反:

import { map } from 'rxjs/operator/map';


关于javascript - RxJs 管道和可出租运算符 `map` : 'this' context of type 'void' is not assignable to method's 'this' of type 'Observable<{}>' ,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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