C 程序崩溃,不知道为什么?

标签 c

#include <stdio.h> 
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <ctype.h>

int main () {

int dice1; //declaring variables
int dice2;
int dice3;
int dice4;
int dice5;
int rolls = 0;
int diceRolls = 0;
bool reroll1 = false;
bool reroll2 = false;
bool reroll3 = false;
bool reroll4 = false;
bool reroll5 = false;
char confirm1; //no arrays, as mentioned in the rubric :) ...
char confirm2;
char confirm3;
char confirm4;
char confirm5;

srand(time(0)); //seeding

printf("DICE 1\t"); //formatting so the users know which dice is which for later
printf("DICE 2\t");
printf("DICE 3\t");
printf("DICE 4\t");
printf("DICE 5\n");

dice1 = rand() % 6 + 1;
printf("%d\t", dice1);

dice2 = rand() % 6 + 1;
printf("%d\t", dice2);

dice3 = rand() % 6 + 1;
printf("%d\t", dice3);

dice4 = rand() % 6 + 1;
printf("%d\t", dice4);

dice5 = rand() % 6 + 1;
printf("%d\t\n", dice5);

while ((dice1 != dice2) || (dice2 != dice3) || (dice3 != dice4) || (dice4 != dice5)) { //The loop determines that if Yahtzee is not achieved, it will reroll until it is

    rolls ++;

    printf("Reroll die 1?(y/n)\n");
    scanf("%c", confirm1);
    if (tolower(confirm1) == 'y') {
       reroll1 = true;
       dice1 = rand() % 6 + 1;

    printf("Reroll die 2?(y/n)\n");
    scanf("%c", confirm2);
    if (tolower(confirm2) == 'y') {
       reroll2 = true;
       dice2 = rand() % 6 + 1;

    printf("Reroll die 3?(y/n)\n");
    scanf("%c", confirm3);
    if (tolower(confirm3) == 'y') {
       reroll3 = true;
       dice3 = rand() % 6 + 1;

    printf("Reroll die 4?(y/n)\n");
    scanf("%c", confirm4);
    if (tolower(confirm4) == 'y') {
       reroll4 = true;
       dice4 = rand() % 6 + 1;

    printf("Reroll die 5?(y/n)\n");
    scanf("%c", confirm5);
    if (tolower(confirm5) == 'y') {
       reroll5 = true;
       dice5 = rand() % 6 + 1;

    if (reroll1) {
        printf("%d\t", dice1);

    if (reroll2) {
        printf("%d\t", dice2);

    if (reroll3) {
        printf("%d\t", dice3);

    if (reroll4) {
       printf("%d\t", dice4);

    if (reroll5) {
        printf("%d\t\n", dice5);

system("cls"); //clear screen for a better look

diceRolls = rolls * 5; //calculating dice rolls

printf("STATS\n"); //shows user stats
printf("Amount of rolls to achieve Yahtzee!: %d\n", rolls);
printf("Number of dice rolled: %d", diceRolls);

return 0;

首先对缩进感到抱歉。它不是那么整洁。该程序生成“rolls”5 个骰子,并尝试获得 Yahtzee。然后,用户可以选择决定重新滚动什么。此程序或函数中不允许使用数组。现在,关于这个问题。我的代码有问题,因为程序在我第一次尝试输入内容时崩溃,这是在 while 循环之后。当我尝试调试时,似乎 scanf 是这里的问题,但我不确定要更改什么才能让代码正常运行,也不确定我在代码中做错了什么,因为我一直在学习 C在学校将近一个月了。



scanf 获取变量的地址以将用户输入写入变量。您只传递变量名(值)而不是地址。 & 是运算符,当它作为变量名的前缀时,给出该变量的地址。

scanf 的正确使用方法如下,这将解决您的问题。对程序中的其他 scanf 语句使用相同的方法。

scanf("%c", &confirm1);

关于C 程序崩溃,不知道为什么?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35762820/



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