c - 我不明白 args[0][0] -'!' 是什么意思

标签 c shell unix

我偶然发现了这段代码,我想了解什么 args[0][0]-'!' 是什么意思?

else if (args[0][0]-'!' ==0)
{   int x = args[0][1]- '0'; 
    int z = args[0][2]- '0'; 

    if(x>count) //second letter check
    printf("\nNo Such Command in the history\n");
    strcpy(inputBuffer,"Wrong command");
    else if (z!=-48) //third letter check
    printf("\nNo Such Command in the history. Enter <=!9 (buffer size        is 10 along with current command)\n");
    strcpy(inputBuffer,"Wrong command");

        if(x==-15)//Checking for '!!',ascii value of '!' is 33.
        {    strcpy(inputBuffer,history[0]);  // this will be your 10 th(last) command
        else if(x==0) //Checking for '!0'
        {    printf("Enter proper command");
            strcpy(inputBuffer,"Wrong command");

        else if(x>=1) //Checking for '!n', n >=1



此代码来自此 github 帐户:https://github.com/deepakavs/Unix-shell-and-history-feature-C/blob/master/shell2.c


'!' 只是一个数值的文本表示,它以指定的编码对感叹号进行编码。 args[0][0] 是数组第一个元素的第一个字符。

那么当 x - y == 0 时?当 x == y 时,将 y 移到另一边,这样代码就等同于 args[0][0] == '!'.


关于c - 我不明白 args[0][0] -'!' 是什么意思,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40008060/


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