javascript - Chrome 开发者工具 : What is Snippets Support?

标签 javascript google-chrome-devtools web-inspector

从版本 19 开始,Chrome 的 Web Inspector 具有一项称为“片段支持”的实验性功能。激活方法如下:

  1. 打开 chrome:flags,启用“开发者工具实验”,重新启动。

  2. 打开 Web Inspector(开发者工具),点击右下角的设置齿轮图标,启用“片段支持”,重启。

    enable snippets support

  3. 打开“脚本”面板,单击左侧的“导航树”图标,然后找到一个空的“代码段”选项卡。

    snippets tab



简而言之,snippets 是一个多行控制台,一个迭代的 JS 开发工作流程,以及一个用于常见调试助手的持久存储。

Some of the use-cases Snippets can help with are:

  • Bookmarklets - all of your bookmarklets could be stored as snippets, especially those you may wish to edit.
  • Utilities - debugging helpers for interacting with the current page can be stored and debugged. A community-curated list of such utilities is available.
  • Debugging - Snippets offer a multi-line console with syntax-highlighting and persistance, making it convenience for debugging code that is more than a one-liner.
  • Monkey-patching code - code you wish to patch at runtime can be done through Snippets, although many times you can just live-edit code in the Sources tab.

snippets screenshot


要快速运行代码片段,现在您可以这样做。 Ctrl-Shift-P 用于“命令面板”,然后退格,然后使用 !前缀,然后输入您要运行的代码段名称。

enter image description here

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