c - 在 C 中,是否保证 1/2 == 0?

标签 c arrays math integer binary-search


在 C 中是否保证 1/2 == 0?我需要它来实现二进制搜索:

 * len is the array length
 * ary is an array of ptrs
 * f is a compare function
 * found is a ptr to the found element in the array
 * both i and offset are unsigned integers, used as indexes

for(i = len/2; !found && i < len; i += offset) {
    res = f(c->ary[i]);

    if (res == 0) {
        found = c->ary[i];
    else {
        offset = (res < 0 ? -1 : 1) * (i/2);
        if (!offset) {
            i = len+1;


是的,这是有保证的。根据 C ISO 规范,§6.5.5/5:

The result of the / operator is the quotient from the division of the first operand by the second;

1/2 的商为 0,所以 1/2 == 0 在 C 中保证为真。


关于c - 在 C 中,是否保证 1/2 == 0?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19598608/


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