
标签 c printf output scanf

所以我对编码非常陌生,这是我第一次在这种程度上使用 scanf 和 printf。对于我的家庭作业,我们应该创建一个程序来计算每 100 公里的燃油效率(以 mpg 和升为单位)。最终答案应该只有 2 个小数点……但那是另一回事了。 ;P


#include <stdio.h> /* tells computer where to find definitions for printf and scanf */
#define KMS_PER_MILE 1.61 /* conversion constant for miles to kms */
#define LIT_PER_GAL 3.79 /* conversion constant for gallons to liters */

int main(void)
    double miles, /* input - distance in miles. */
    gallons, /* input - gallons consumed */
    mpg, /* output - miles per gallon */
    kms, /* output - kilometers */
    liters, /* output - liters */
    lpkm; /* output - liters per 100 kms */

    /* get the distance in miles */
    printf("Enter the distance in miles> ");
    scanf("%1f", &miles);

    /* get the gallons consumed */
    printf("Enter the gallons consumed> ");
    scanf("%1f", &gallons);

    /* convert to mpg */
    mpg = (double)miles / (double)gallons;

    /* convert to lpkm */
    liters = LIT_PER_GAL * gallons;
    kms = KMS_PER_MILE * miles;
    lpkm = (double)liters / (double)kms * 100;

    /* Display fuel efficiency in mpg and lpkm */
    printf("The car's fuel efficiency is\n %1f mpg \n %1f liters per 100 kms", mpg, lpkm);
    return (0);




更多详情请看C++ reference

关于C初学者,代码输出不正确,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28261168/


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