C - 进程退出,错误代码为 3221225477

标签 c windows shift-reduce

我正在为我们的编译器设计主题做一个 shift-reduce 算法。这是代码。

void shiftReduce(char str[MAX_CHAR], int prodNum, int line)
    int limit = 5, y=0;
    int substrFlag = 1; //0 true 1 false
    int ctr,x, counter;
    int match, next;
    char stack[MAX_CHAR];
    OUTER:while ((strcmp(stack, prod[0].left) != 0) && (y < limit))
        addChar(stack, str[0]);
        strcpy(str, dequeue(str));
        printf("Stack = %s\nQueue = %s\n", stack, str);
        for (ctr = 0; ctr < prodNum; ctr++)
            if (strstr(stack, prod[ctr].right) != NULL)
            { //substring found
                substrFlag = 0;
                strcpy(stack, replace(stack, prod[ctr].right, prod[ctr].left));
                goto OUTER;
        if ((str[0] == '\n') || (str[0] == '\0'))
    if (strcmp(stack, prod[0].left) == 0)
        ;//printf("%s - Accepted.\n", stack);
        printf("Syntax error on line %i\n", line);

当我评论 printf("Stack = %s\nQueue = %s\n", stack, str); 行时,它运行良好。但是当我取消注释时,它返回代码 3221225477


char * dequeue (char str[MAX_CHAR])
    int x = 0; char temp;
    for (x = 0; x < length(str); x++)
        if ((x+1) < length(str))
            str[x] = str[x+1];
    return str;

和 addChar 函数:

void addChar (char * str, char letter)
    int a = 0;
    while (str[a] != '\0')
    str[a] = letter;
    str[a+1] = '\0';


char * replace (char orig[MAX_CHAR], char substr[MAX_CHAR], char rep[MAX_CHAR])
    int match, end=0, next=0;
    int flag = 0; //0 true 1 false
    char temp [MAX_CHAR];
    char store[MAX_CHAR];
    if (strstr(orig, substr) == NULL)
        return NULL;
    int x,y;
    for (x = 0; x < length(orig); x++)
        if (orig[x] == substr[0]) //if current character  is equal to first character of substring
            match = x;
            for (y = 0; y < length(substr); y++)
                if (orig[match+y] != substr[y])
                    flag = 1;
            if (flag == 0)
                next = match + length(substr);
                for (y = 0; y < length(rep); y++)
                    temp[match+y] = rep[y]; 
                    end = (match+y);
                for (y = next; y < length(orig); y++)
                    temp[y] = orig[next+(y-next)];
                return temp;
            addChar(temp, orig[x]);
    return temp;

附言。 prod 数组:

struct RULES
    char left[MAX_CHAR];
    char right[MAX_CHAR];
struct RULES prod[MAX_RULES];


When I comment the printf("Stack = %s\nQueue = %s\n", stack, str); line, it works well. But when I uncomment it, it returns the code 3221225477.

那么很可能 stackstr 尚未被 0 终止或指向无效内存。

关于C - 进程退出,错误代码为 3221225477,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38419321/


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