c - 每第 N 个单词插入字符串

标签 c string word between

在每第 N 个字符串之间添加字符串。


char *a = "one", *b = "two";

char *word = "Simple sentence containing some random words";
char result[200];

int len = strlen(word);
int spaces = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
    if(word[i] == ' ')

    result[i] = word[i];

    if(spaces % 3 == 0)
        //copy a to result

    if(spaces % 4 == 0)
        //copy b to result



Simple sentence containing one some two random words

我已经尝试过 strcpy、strcat 并且我已经为此苦苦挣扎了几天,但我似乎真的不明白这里背后的逻辑。如何进行?




#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>


int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) {
  /* You can replace the words defined below ("one" and "two") with any words
  * you want to insert at the given positions.
  char one[] = "one";
  char two[] = "two";

  char sentence[] = "Longer but still simple sentence containing even more words";
  char result[MAX_OUTPUT_LENGTH];

  int len = strlen(sentence);
  int spaces = 0;
  int k = 0; //See Weather Vane's comment for why you also need the variable k
  int skipUntilAnotherSpace = 0;

  for(int i = 0; i < len; i++)
      if(sentence[i] == ' ') {
        skipUntilAnotherSpace = 0; //See my explanation below for why this is done.

      if (k == 0) {
        result[i] = sentence[i]; //Normally, we can use the variable "i" until our insertion
      } else {
        /* As Weather Vane's comment shows, after one insertion the positions you
        * need to grab from and insert to will change.  You cannot continue
        * to use "i". After the first insertion:
        * Sentence:
        * Simple sentence containing some random words
        *                            ^ position 27
        * Current value in result variable:
        * Simple sentence containing one [you want to insert here]
        *                                ^ position 31
        * So, we will need to insert into result at position k, and grab the info
        * from a different variable "i".
        result[k] = sentence[i];
        //Increment k since it will not be incremented regularly in the for loop
      if((spaces % 3 == 0) && spaces != 0 && skipUntilAnotherSpace == 0)
           int useVariableK = 0;
           if (spaces > 3) {
              /* Since spaces must already have been == 4, we have switched over
              to using variable K, so we must continue to do so */
              useVariableK = 1;

           if(!useVariableK) {
           result[i] = ' '; //Add a space before we add the word "one"
           i++; //Increment i since we added the spaces

           int j;
           for (j = 0; j < strlen(one); j++) { //Add the word "one"
             result[i + j] = one[j];
           //Increment the variable i the correct # of times since we added the word "one":
           i += (strlen (one));

           //Add a space after the word "one":
           result[i] = ' ';
           k = i + 1; //Set k = to i + 1 to account for the space we just added

           /* We need to revert back to where the variable "i" was before adding "one":

            We used the variable i to temporarily store the positions
            as we traversed across and added the word "one".  Then, we
            moved i back to the original position so we could access
            the correct position when using sentence[i] in the next iteration.

            Note that we need the +1 in the line below because we actually
            need to go back one more position than nessesary; when we re-enter
            the loop it will increment i to be +1 again! (sneaky)
           i -= (strlen (one) + 1);

           /* Why we need the skipUntilAnotherSpace variable:
           We cannot simply increment the "spaces" variable after this; we need
           the number of spaces to conform to the number in the sentence, and
           just because we have more spaces in the result, it woudn't make sense
           to increment it for the sentence.

           However, if we leave it the same, then the next time we will enter
           this loop again since spaces == 3, and we don't want to enter this loop again;
           we have done our job already!

           So, we make sure not to enter the loop by setting the below variable
           to 1.  We do not enter the loop unless skipUntilAnotherSpace == 1.
           (If we even tried to increment the spaces variable, we would actually
            end up going into the next loop because spaces would = 4 ;) )

            Finally, we switch back skipUntilAnotherSpace to be 0 once
            another space is detected in the sentence.
           skipUntilAnotherSpace = 1;
         } else {
           //Use variable K like we do if spaces == 4:
           /* Most of this loop is exactly identical to the previous one, except
           that we don't need another space since it was already added before when
           "one" was inserted, and we use the variable "k" instead of i. */
           int j;
           for (j = 0; j < strlen(one); j++) {
             result[k + j] = one[j];
           k += (strlen (one));
           result[k] = ' ';
           k += 1;

           skipUntilAnotherSpace = 1;

      if((spaces % 4 == 0) && spaces != 0 && skipUntilAnotherSpace == 0)
         /* Most of this loop is exactly identical to the previous one, except
         that we don't need another space since it was already added before when
         "one" was inserted, and we use the variable "k" instead of i. */
         int j;
         for (j = 0; j < strlen(two); j++) {
           result[k + j] = two[j];
         k += (strlen (two));
         result[k] = ' ';
         k += 1;

         skipUntilAnotherSpace = 1;


  printf("%s.\n", result);
  return 0;

注意:参见Weather Vane's评论这个问题,进一步理解为什么变量k是必要的(我在评论中也有解释,我只是觉得Weather Vane的版本更简洁一些)。


Longer but still one simple two sentence containing one even more two words.

如果您将变量 onetwo 更改为值 "hello""goodbye"分别地,代码仍然可以运行并产生:

Longer but still hello simple goodbye sentence containing hello even more goodbye words.

基本上,代码在变量 one[] 中每三个单词插入一个值,在变量 two[] 中每四个单词插入一个值。


关于c - 每第 N 个单词插入字符串,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38338361/


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