c - 我该如何修复散列时发生的这个 malloc 错误

标签 c hash malloc hashtable hashcode

在大量调试遇到此 malloc 错误后尝试使用哈希表实现字典


/* to store a data (consisting of key and value) in hash table array */
struct item 
    char key[100];
    char value[1000];

/* each hash table item has a flag (status) and data (consisting of key and value) */
struct hashtable_item 

    int flag;
     * flag = 0 : data does not exist
     * flag = 1 : data exists at given array location
     * flag = 2 : data was present at least once
    struct item *data;


struct hashtable_item *array;
int size = 10007;
int max = 10007;

/* 该函数返回给定键对应的索引 */

int hashcode(char* key,int TS)
    return (key[0]+27*key[1]+729*key[2])%TS;

/* this  function initializes the hash table array */
void init_array()
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < max; i++) 
        array[i].flag = 0;
        array[i].data = NULL;

/* 这个函数在哈希表中插入一个元素 */

void insert(char* key, char* value,int TS)
    int index = hashcode(key,TS);

    int i = index;
    int h = 1;

    struct item *new_item = (struct item*) malloc(sizeof(struct item));
    strcpy(new_item->key , key);

    strcpy(new_item->value , value);

    /* probing through the array until an empty space is found */
    while (array[i].flag == 1) 

        if (array[i].data->key == key) 

            /* case when already present key matches the given key */
            printf("\n This key is already present in hash table, hence updating it's value \n");
            strcpy(array[i].data->value , value);

        i = (i + (h * h)) % max;
        if (i == index)
            printf("\n Hash table is full, cannot add more elements \n");


    array[i].flag = 1;
    array[i].data = new_item;
    printf("\n Key (%s) has been inserted\n", key);

  /* to remove an element form the hash table array */

void remove_element(char* key,int TS)
    int index = hashcode(key,TS);
    int i = index;
    int h = 1;

    /* probing through the hash table until we reach at location where there had not been an element even once */
    while (array[i].flag != 0)
        if (array[i].flag == 1  &&  array[i].data->key == key) 

            /* case where data exists at the location and its key matches to the given key */
            array[i].flag = 2;
            array[i].data = NULL;
            printf("\n Key (%s) has been removed \n", key);

        i = (i + (h * h)) % max;
        if (i == index) 
    printf("\n Key does not exist \n");

 /* to display the contents of hash table */

void display()

    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < max; i++)
        if (array[i].flag != 1)
            printf("\n Array[%d] has no elements \n", i);
            printf("\n Array[%d] has elements \n  %s (key) and %s (value) \n", i, array[i].data->key, array[i].data->value);


int size_of_hashtable()
    return size;


void main()
    int choice,n, c;
    char key[100];
    char value[1000];
    int TS=10007;
    array = (struct hashtable_item*) malloc(max * sizeof(struct hashtable_item*));

    do {
        printf("Implementation of Hash Table in C with Quadratic Probing.\n\n");
        printf("MENU-: \n1.Inserting item in the Hash table" 
                              "\n2.Removing item from the Hash table" 
                              "\n3.Check the size of Hash table" 
                              "\n4.Display Hash table"
               "\n\n Please enter your choice-:");

        scanf("%d", &choice);


        case 1:

              printf("Inserting element in Hash table \n");
              printf("Enter key:");
              fgets(key,100, stdin);
              printf("Enter value:");
              fgets(value,1000, stdin);
              insert(key, value,TS);


        case 2:

              printf("Deleting in Hash table \n Enter the key to delete-:");
              fgets(key,100, stdin);


        case 3:

              n = size_of_hashtable();
              printf("Size of Hash table is-:%d\n", n);


        case 4:




               printf("Wrong Input\n");


        printf("\n Do you want to continue-:(press 1 for yes)\t");
        scanf("%d", &c);

    }while(c == 1);


在 C 中使用二次探测实现哈希表。 这是输出的样子

1.Inserting item in the Hash table
2.Removing item from the Hash table
3. Check the size of the Hash table
4.Display Hash table

 Please enter your choice-:1
Inserting element in Hash table 
Enter key:Enter value:john helllo we aer
a.out: malloc.c:2374: sysmalloc: Assertion `(old_top == (((mbinptr) (((char *) &((av)->bins[((1) - 1) * 2])) - __builtin_offsetof (struct malloc_chunk, fd)))) && old_size == 0) || ((unsigned long) (old_size) >= (unsigned long)((((__builtin_offsetof (struct malloc_chunk, fd_nextsize))+((2 *(sizeof(size_t))) - 1)) & ~((2 *(sizeof(size_t))) - 1))) && ((old_top)->size & 0x1) && ((unsigned long) old_end `enter code here`& pagemask) == 0)' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)


通常 sysmalloc 错误会在您损坏某些内存时抛出,例如从未分配的空间写入或读取等。

我首先注意到的是数组的分配不太正确。我发现您需要一个 struct hashtable_item 数组,但您正在为一个指针数组分配空间。 sizeof(struct hashtable_item*) 在 x64 系统中将始终为 8,因为它是指针的大小。你可能应该使用 sizeof(struct hashtable_item) 它会给你实际结构对象的大小。


array = (struct hashtable_item*) malloc(max * sizeof(struct hashtable_item));

但另一方面,由于您的 array 是静态的,我建议您将它分配到 stack 而不是 heap 中:

struct hashtable_item[10007];

此外,如果您能提供有关您的 insert() 失败的信息,我们将不胜感激。

关于c - 我该如何修复散列时发生的这个 malloc 错误,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58445222/


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