c - 两名玩家的猜数游戏

标签 c

谁能帮我弄清楚我的程序出了什么问题,这对我来说很复杂。这是一个数字猜谜游戏,两个玩家可以玩。首先说哪个玩家先走,然后玩家必须输入他的数字 1 或 2,然后输入猜测或传球(玩家不能连续传球超过 3 次或两次)。它工作得非常好,除了每次玩家 1 开始时它连续两次要求他猜测然后工作正常,当玩家 2 开始时它交替像它应该是这样的:

Here is when player 2 goes first it works fine

Here it is when player 1 goes first and it reapeats only once

And this is my code It quite a lot of code:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>

int main(void) { 

int playerNumber = 0;
int number = 0;
int playerInput = 0;    
int guess = 0;
char input;
char str[6] = {0};
int playerA = 1;
int playerB = 2;
int passA = 3;
int passB = 3;
int i = 1;
int playerTurn = 0;
int turn = 0;

 playerNumber = 1 + rand() % 2; /* Random number is generated */

 number = 0 + rand() % 100; /* Random number is generated */

  while(number != guess) {

   printf("\nIt's player's %d turn\n", playerNumber);

  printf("Player Number?\n");

  scanf("%d", &playerInput);

  while (playerNumber != playerInput)

printf("You Have to wait your turn.\nPlayer number?\n");


  if (playerA != playerNumber)
playerB = playerNumber;

if (i%2 == 1) {
    playerNumber = playerA;
else {
    playerNumber = playerB;

i = i+1;

    printf("Enter Your Guess, 0 - 100 or Pass: ");

scanf("%s", str);

if (strcmp(str, "pass") == 0){
    if (playerNumber == playerA){
        passB = passB -1;
        printf("Player 2 has %d more 'Pass' left!\n", passB);
        passA = passA -1;
        printf("Player 1 has %d more 'Pass' left!\n", passA);
else {
    guess = atoi(str);
        if(guess < number) /* if the guess is lower, output: the guess is to low */
            printf("Your guess was to low.\n ");

        else if(guess > number) /* if the guess is higher, output: the guess is to high */
            printf("Your guess was to high.\n ");

        else /* is the guess is equial to the random number: Success!! */
            printf("Yes!! you got it!\n");


  return 0;





第三,您对 playerA 和 playerB 变量的使用是一个不错的概念,但还有更好的方法来实现。 C/C++ 中的典型约定是对魔数(Magic Number)使用#define,全部大写 - #define PLAYER_A 1。遵循此约定将使您的代码更具可读性。此外,由于您的玩家是“1”和“2”,因此使用 #define PLAYER1 1 或 PLAYER_1 更具可读性。

您使用变量“i”,但使用名为 i、j、k、m 或 n 的变量的约定是作为循环计数器,在循环顶部或循环底部递增。在循环中间增加循环计数器会使计数器更容易丢失。将增量移动到顶部或底部。


关于c - 两名玩家的猜数游戏,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15892244/


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