c - 静态变量的声明和放置

标签 c operator-precedence


int foo(int y) {

   static int x = y;
   x = x + 1;
   return x;

while(1) {
  y = y+1;




int foo(void)
   static int y = 0;


 1) static int y = 0;
    int foo(void)


 2) And the variable y' should be used only in the function foo(). So you are 
    telling the compiler that I want a variable that is a global(with respect
    to memory and initialization at the compilation time), but the variable
    should be used only inside the function, if it is used outside this function
    let me know. 

 So, dynamic initialization of a static variable(that is actually initialized at
 the time of compilation) is invalid.

关于c - 静态变量的声明和放置,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21606352/


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