c - 转换未更改值时发出警告

标签 c gcc compiler-warnings


int main() {
  int ju = 1;
  short ki = ju;
  return ki;


conversion to ‘short int’ from ‘int’ may alter its value [-Wconversion]
   short ki = ju;

然而根据to the docs :

Do not warn [...] if the value is not changed by the conversion like in "abs (2.0)".




int main() {
  int ju = 1;
  short ki = ju; /* Compiler won't [probably] make use of (without optimizations) what the value of ju is at runtime */
  return ki;

另一个例子(即使使用编译器优化,也无法确定 ju 在编译时分配给 ki 时的值是什么):

int foo() {
  int ju = 1;
  short ki = 1;

  scanf("%d", &ju);

  ki = ju; /* (Compiler will issue the warning) What's the value of ju? Will it fit in ki? */

  return ki; /* Another implicit conversion, this one from short to int, which the compiler won't issue any warning */

编译器不知道 ju 的值是多少,因此它会正确地警告隐式类型转换。


Do not warn [...] if the value is not changed by the conversion like in "abs (2.0)".

int foo() {
  return 0UL;

这是一个示例,无论涉及何种类型,值都不会改变。零将始终为零,无论是 int 还是 unsigned long 类型。


int foo() {
  return 2.0; /* Same case as abs(2.0), an implicit float to int convertion, whose values are not changed by doing so. */

因此,基本上,这仅适用于文字(例如文档中给出的 abs(2.0) 示例)。

关于c - 转换未更改值时发出警告,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38287363/


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