c - 如何引用二维数组中的单个字符?

标签 c arrays string

我有这个函数,目的是迭代二维数组并访问二维数组中的单个字符。但是 char** buffer 正在变成指向二维数组中的字符串的点,而不是单个字符。


bool screen_graph_interator(screen_graph_t* local, char** buffer, uint32_t* iteration, uint32_t start_x, uint32_t start_y, uint32_t width, uint32_t height) 
    // local variables
    int x, y;

    // TODO: Check for valide start_x, start_y, width, height inputs againsts local screen_graph

    // get index
    x = start_x + *iteration % width;
    y = start_y + *iteration / width;

    // if we're beyond domain and range we're done iterating
    if(*iteration > (width * height)-1) {
        *buffer = NULL;
        return false;

    // get char ptr
    *buffer = &(local->field[x][y]);


    return true;

我认为这一行包含我的错误 *buffer = &(local->field[x][y]);

我在调试器中看到的是:new_char = 0x804a52c "XXXXXX "

其中 new_char 是我传递给 char** bufferchar*

似乎 new_char 的值是一个字符串,对吗?

当我调用 printf("%s\n\r", new_char); 时,它会打印整个字符串。



typedef struct screen_graph {
    char field[DISPLAY_ROWS][DISPLAY_COLS]; 
    bool expired;
} screen_graph_t;


下面是我调用 screen_graph_interator 的方式:

bool screen_graph_changes(screen_graph_t* old_graph, screen_graph_t* new_graph) {
    // local variables
    char* old_char = NULL;
    char* new_char = NULL;
    uint32_t iteration = 0;         // the screen_graph iteration index
    uint32_t vt_string_index = 0;    // the position in the VT100 string, to be sent to putty session
    uint32_t skip_count = 0;        // the char count not changed

    while(screen_graph_interator(old_graph, &old_char, &iteration, 0, 0, DISPLAY_COLS, DISPLAY_ROWS)) {
        screen_graph_interator(new_graph, &new_char, &iteration, 0, 0, DISPLAY_COLS, DISPLAY_ROWS);

        // check for character differences
        if(   *old_char != *new_char
           && *new_char != '\0') {

           // determine if we need a VT100 jump
           if(skip_count > 0) {



将上面的代码片段转换成问题中应该提供的 MCVE ( Minimal, Complete, Verifiable Example ) 并添加一些基本断言,您最终可以得到如下代码:

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>

enum { DISPLAY_ROWS = 24, DISPLAY_COLS = 50 };

typedef struct screen_graph
    bool expired;
} screen_graph_t;

static bool screen_graph_interator(screen_graph_t *local, char **buffer,
                uint32_t *iteration, uint32_t start_x, uint32_t start_y,
                uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
    int x = start_x + *iteration % width;
    int y = start_y + *iteration / width;

    if (*iteration > (width * height) - 1)
        *buffer = NULL;
        return false;

    *buffer = &(local->field[x][y]);

    assert(*buffer >= &local->field[0][0] &&
           *buffer <= &local->field[DISPLAY_ROWS-1][DISPLAY_COLS-1]);


    return true;

static bool screen_graph_changes(screen_graph_t *old_graph, screen_graph_t *new_graph)
    char *old_char = NULL;
    char *new_char = NULL;
    uint32_t iteration = 0;

    while (screen_graph_interator(old_graph, &old_char, &iteration, 0, 0, DISPLAY_COLS, DISPLAY_ROWS))
        screen_graph_interator(new_graph, &new_char, &iteration, 0, 0, DISPLAY_COLS, DISPLAY_ROWS);
        assert(old_char >= &old_graph->field[0][0] &&
               old_char <= &old_graph->field[DISPLAY_ROWS-1][DISPLAY_COLS-1]);
        assert(new_char >= &new_graph->field[0][0] &&
               new_char <= &new_graph->field[DISPLAY_ROWS-1][DISPLAY_COLS-1]);

        if (*old_char != *new_char && *new_char != '\0')
            printf("Different: %" PRIu32 "\n", iteration);
            return true;
    return false;

int main(void)
    screen_graph_t old_graph = { 0 };
    screen_graph_t new_graph = { 0 };
    old_graph.field[DISPLAY_ROWS-1][DISPLAY_COLS-1] = 'O';
    new_graph.field[DISPLAY_ROWS-1][DISPLAY_COLS-1] = 'N';
    screen_graph_changes(&old_graph, &new_graph);
    return 0;


运行时,它因断言失败而崩溃。源代码在 ob17.c 中:

Assertion failed: (*buffer >= &local->field[0][0] && *buffer <= &local->field[DISPLAY_ROWS-1][DISPLAY_COLS-1]), function screen_graph_interator, file ob17.c, line 30.
Abort trap: 6


如果您将 DISPLAY_ROWS 设置为等于 DISPLAY_COLS,则不会触发断言。他们都在 24 时,它产生:

Different: 576

如果您在对 screen_graph_iterator() 的调用中交换参数 DISPLAY_ROWS 和 DISPLAY_COLS,则不会触发断言。使用 24 和 50 值,它产生:

Different: 1200

基本问题是您正在越界访问数组,因为您在 screen_graph_iterator() 中颠倒了 xy 的表达式 功能。因此,该问题的另一种解决方案是:

#include <assert.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <stdio.h>

enum { DISPLAY_ROWS = 24, DISPLAY_COLS = 50 };
//enum { DISPLAY_ROWS = 24, DISPLAY_COLS = 24 };

typedef struct screen_graph
    bool expired;
} screen_graph_t;

static bool screen_graph_interator(screen_graph_t *local, char **buffer,
                uint32_t *iteration, uint32_t start_x, uint32_t start_y,
                uint32_t width, uint32_t height)
    int y = start_x + *iteration % width;
    int x = start_y + *iteration / width;
    //int x = start_x + *iteration % width;
    //int y = start_y + *iteration / width;

    if (*iteration > (width * height) - 1)
        *buffer = NULL;
        return false;

    *buffer = &(local->field[x][y]);

    assert(*buffer >= &local->field[0][0] &&
           *buffer <= &local->field[DISPLAY_ROWS-1][DISPLAY_COLS-1]);


    return true;

static bool screen_graph_changes(screen_graph_t *old_graph, screen_graph_t *new_graph)
    char *old_char = NULL;
    char *new_char = NULL;
    uint32_t iteration = 0;

    while (screen_graph_interator(old_graph, &old_char, &iteration, 0, 0, DISPLAY_COLS, DISPLAY_ROWS))
    //while (screen_graph_interator(old_graph, &old_char, &iteration, 0, 0, DISPLAY_ROWS, DISPLAY_COLS))
        screen_graph_interator(new_graph, &new_char, &iteration, 0, 0, DISPLAY_COLS, DISPLAY_ROWS);
        //screen_graph_interator(new_graph, &new_char, &iteration, 0, 0, DISPLAY_ROWS, DISPLAY_COLS);
        assert(old_char >= &old_graph->field[0][0] &&
               old_char <= &old_graph->field[DISPLAY_ROWS-1][DISPLAY_COLS-1]);
        assert(new_char >= &new_graph->field[0][0] &&
               new_char <= &new_graph->field[DISPLAY_ROWS-1][DISPLAY_COLS-1]);

        if (*old_char != *new_char && *new_char != '\0')
            printf("Different: %" PRIu32 "\n", iteration);
            return true;
    return false;

int main(void)
    screen_graph_t old_graph = { 0 };
    screen_graph_t new_graph = { 0 };
    old_graph.field[DISPLAY_ROWS-1][DISPLAY_COLS-1] = 'O';
    new_graph.field[DISPLAY_ROWS-1][DISPLAY_COLS-1] = 'N';
    screen_graph_changes(&old_graph, &new_graph);
    return 0;

这不会产生断言失败和 Different: 1200 输出。

<支持> (对于 10k 用户,问题的前一版本:Can't pass local struct reference to another function。它遇到了同样的问题。)

关于c - 如何引用二维数组中的单个字符?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40990884/


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