c - 标记外部文件

标签 c struct dynamic-memory-allocation strtok strcpy


 TN     1424325600000   dn20t1kz0xrz    67.0    0.0  0.0     0.0    101872.0    262.5665
 TN     1422770400000   dn2dcstxsf5b    23.0    0.0  100.0   0.0    100576.0    277.8087
 TN     1422792000000   dn2sdp6pbb5b    96.0    0.0  100.0   0.0    100117.0    278.49207
 TN     1422748800000   dn2fjteh8e80    6.0     0.0  100.0   0.0    100661.0    278.28485
 TN     1423396800000   dn2k0y7ffcup    14.0    0.0  100.0   0.0    100176.0    282.02142 

void analyze_file(FILE *file, struct climate_info **states, int num_states)
    const int line_sz = 100;
    char line[line_sz];
    int counter = 0;
    char *token;

    while (fgets(line, line_sz, file) != NULL)
        /* TODO: We need to do a few things here:
         *       * Tokenize the line.
         *       * Determine what state the line is for. This will be the state
         *         code, stored as our first token.
         *       * If our states array doesn't have a climate_info entry for
         *         this state, then we need to allocate memory for it and put it
         *         in the next open place in the array. Otherwise, we reuse the
         *         existing entry.
         *       * Update the climate_info structure as necessary.
        struct climate_info *states = malloc(sizeof(struct climate_info)*num_states);
        token = strtok(line," \n");
        strcpy(states->code, token);
        //printf("token: %s\n", token);


            printf("token: %s\n", token);
            token = strtok(NULL, " \t");



struct climate_info
    char code[3];
    unsigned long num_records;
    long long millitime;
    char location[13];
     double humidity;
    double snow;
    double cloud;
    double lightning;
    long double pressure;
     double temperature;

void print_report(struct climate_info *states[], int num_states)
    printf("States found: ");
    int i;
    for (i = 0; i < num_states; ++i)
        if (states[i] != NULL)
            struct climate_info *info = states[i];
            printf("%s", info->code);

输出应该如下所示:States found:TN


与其将每个信息记录存储为记录数组中的元素,不如使用一个状态数组,其中每个状态都包含指向该状态的数据的指针。这将使您的num_records成员更有意义。然后,您只需循环遍历状态数组,检查是否(num_records > 0),然后打印该状态的num_records值信息,同时跳过所有未存储数据的状态。这提供了一种更有效的方法。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* if you need constants, either #define them or use an enum */
enum { ABRV = 2, NDATA = 8, LOC = 13, NAME = 15, MAXC = 1024 };
typedef struct {            /* struct holding only climate data */
    long long millitime;
    char location[LOC];
    double humidity;
    double snow;
    double cloud;
    double lightning;
    long double pressure;
    double temperature;
} climate_t;

typedef struct {
    size_t  num_allocated,  /* track of how many data are allocated */
    climate_t *data;        /* a pointer to allocated block for data */
} statedata_t;

因为“lookup array”是常量,所以它可以是声明为const的全局数组。如果使用多个源文件,只需在一个文件中定义数组,并在其余需要它的文件中将其声明为extern。那你怎么定义呢?首先用查找中需要的信息(州名和缩写)声明一个sturct,然后声明一个由它们组成的常量数组,初始化每个名称和缩写,例如。
typedef struct {
    char name[NAME+1],
} stateabrv_t;
const stateabrv_t state[]  =  { { "Alabama",        "AL" },
                                { "Alaska",         "AK" },
                                { "Arizona",        "AZ" },
                                { "Arkansas",       "AR" },
                                { "California",     "CA" },
                                { "Colorado",       "CO" },
                                { "Connecticut",    "CT" },
                                { "Delaware",       "DE" },
                                { "Florida",        "FL" },
                                { "Georgia",        "GA" },
                                { "Hawaii",         "HI" },
                                { "Idaho",          "ID" },
                                { "Illinois",       "IL" },
                                { "Indiana",        "IN" },
                                { "Iowa",           "IA" },
                                { "Kansas",         "KS" },
                                { "Kentucky",       "KY" },
                                { "Louisiana",      "LA" },
                                { "Maine",          "ME" },
                                { "Maryland",       "MD" },
                                { "Massachusetts",  "MA" },
                                { "Michigan",       "MI" },
                                { "Minnesota",      "MN" },
                                { "Mississippi",    "MS" },
                                { "Missouri",       "MO" },
                                { "Montana",        "MT" },
                                { "Nebraska",       "NE" },
                                { "Nevada",         "NV" },
                                { "New Hampshire",  "NH" },
                                { "New Jersey",     "NJ" },
                                { "New Mexico",     "NM" },
                                { "New York",       "NY" },
                                { "North Carolina", "NC" },
                                { "North Dakota",   "ND" },
                                { "Ohio",           "OH" },
                                { "Oklahoma",       "OK" },
                                { "Oregon",         "OR" },
                                { "Pennsylvania",   "PA" },
                                { "Rhode Island",   "RI" },
                                { "South Carolina", "SC" },
                                { "South Dakota",   "SD" },
                                { "Tennessee",      "TN" },
                                { "Texas",          "TX" },
                                { "Utah",           "UT" },
                                { "Vermont",        "VT" },
                                { "Virginia",       "VA" },
                                { "Washington",     "WA" },
                                { "West Virginia",  "WV" },
                                { "Wisconsin",      "WI" },
                                { "Wyoming",        "WY" } };

const int nstates = sizeof state / sizeof *state;

/* simple lookup function, given a code s, return index for state
 * in array of statedata_t on success, -1 otherwise.
int lookupabrv (const char *s)
    int i = 0;

    for (; i < nstates; i++)
        if (state[i].abrv[0] == s[0] && state[i].abrv[1] == s[1])
            return i;

    return -1;

int main (int argc, char **argv) {

    char buf[MAXC]; /* line buffer */
    /* array of 50 statedata_t (one for each state) */
    statedata_t stdata[sizeof state / sizeof *state] = {{.num_records = 0}};

/* insert data for state given code and climate_t containing data */
int insert_data (statedata_t *st, const char *code, climate_t *data)
    int index = lookupabrv (code);  /* lookup array index */

    if (index == -1)    /* handle error */
        return 0;

    if (!st[index].num_allocated) { /* allocate data if not allocated */
        st[index].data = malloc (NDATA * sizeof *st[index].data);
        if (!st[index].data) {
            perror ("malloc-st[index].data");
            return 0;
        st[index].num_allocated = NDATA;

    /* check if realloc needed */
    if (st[index].num_records == st[index].num_allocated) {
        /* realloc here, update num_allocated */

    /* add data for proper state index */
    st[index].data[st[index].num_records++] = *data;

    return 1;   /* return success */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

/* if you need constants, either #define them or use an enum */
enum { ABRV = 2, NDATA = 8, LOC = 13, NAME = 15, MAXC = 1024 };

typedef struct {
    char name[NAME+1],
} stateabrv_t;

typedef struct {            /* struct holding only climate data */
    long long millitime;
    char location[LOC];
    double humidity;
    double snow;
    double cloud;
    double lightning;
    long double pressure;
    double temperature;
} climate_t;

typedef struct {
    size_t  num_allocated,  /* track of how many data are allocated */
    climate_t *data;        /* a pointer to allocated block for data */
} statedata_t;

const stateabrv_t state[]  =  { { "Alabama",        "AL" },
                                { "Alaska",         "AK" },
                                { "Arizona",        "AZ" },
                                { "Arkansas",       "AR" },
                                { "California",     "CA" },
                                { "Colorado",       "CO" },
                                { "Connecticut",    "CT" },
                                { "Delaware",       "DE" },
                                { "Florida",        "FL" },
                                { "Georgia",        "GA" },
                                { "Hawaii",         "HI" },
                                { "Idaho",          "ID" },
                                { "Illinois",       "IL" },
                                { "Indiana",        "IN" },
                                { "Iowa",           "IA" },
                                { "Kansas",         "KS" },
                                { "Kentucky",       "KY" },
                                { "Louisiana",      "LA" },
                                { "Maine",          "ME" },
                                { "Maryland",       "MD" },
                                { "Massachusetts",  "MA" },
                                { "Michigan",       "MI" },
                                { "Minnesota",      "MN" },
                                { "Mississippi",    "MS" },
                                { "Missouri",       "MO" },
                                { "Montana",        "MT" },
                                { "Nebraska",       "NE" },
                                { "Nevada",         "NV" },
                                { "New Hampshire",  "NH" },
                                { "New Jersey",     "NJ" },
                                { "New Mexico",     "NM" },
                                { "New York",       "NY" },
                                { "North Carolina", "NC" },
                                { "North Dakota",   "ND" },
                                { "Ohio",           "OH" },
                                { "Oklahoma",       "OK" },
                                { "Oregon",         "OR" },
                                { "Pennsylvania",   "PA" },
                                { "Rhode Island",   "RI" },
                                { "South Carolina", "SC" },
                                { "South Dakota",   "SD" },
                                { "Tennessee",      "TN" },
                                { "Texas",          "TX" },
                                { "Utah",           "UT" },
                                { "Vermont",        "VT" },
                                { "Virginia",       "VA" },
                                { "Washington",     "WA" },
                                { "West Virginia",  "WV" },
                                { "Wisconsin",      "WI" },
                                { "Wyoming",        "WY" } };

const int nstates = sizeof state / sizeof *state;

/* simple lookup function, given a code s, return index for state
 * in array of statedata_t on success, -1 otherwise.
int lookupabrv (const char *s)
    int i = 0;

    for (; i < nstates; i++)
        if (state[i].abrv[0] == s[0] && state[i].abrv[1] == s[1])
            return i;

    return -1;

/* insert data for state given code and climate_t containing data */
int insert_data (statedata_t *st, const char *code, climate_t *data)
    int index = lookupabrv (code);  /* lookup array index */

    if (index == -1)    /* handle error */
        return 0;

    if (!st[index].num_allocated) { /* allocate data if not allocated */
        st[index].data = malloc (NDATA * sizeof *st[index].data);
        if (!st[index].data) {
            perror ("malloc-st[index].data");
            return 0;
        st[index].num_allocated = NDATA;

    /* check if realloc needed */
    if (st[index].num_records == st[index].num_allocated) {
        /* realloc here, update num_allocated */

    /* add data for proper state index */
    st[index].data[st[index].num_records++] = *data;

    return 1;   /* return success */

/* print states with data collected */
void print_data (statedata_t *st)
    int i = 0;

    for (; i < nstates; i++) {
        if (st[i].num_records) {
            size_t j = 0;
            printf ("\n%s\n", state[i].name);
            for (; j < st[i].num_records; j++)
                printf ("  %13lld  %-12s %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %5.1f %8.1Lf "
                        st[i].data[j].millitime, st[i].data[j].location,
                        st[i].data[j].humidity, st[i].data[j].snow,
                        st[i].data[j].cloud, st[i].data[j].lightning,
                        st[i].data[j].pressure, st[i].data[j].temperature);

/* free allocated memory */
void free_data (statedata_t *st)
    int i = 0;

    for (; i < nstates; i++)
        if (st[i].num_records)
            free (st[i].data);

int main (int argc, char **argv) {

    char buf[MAXC]; /* line buffer */
    /* array of 50 statedata_t (one for each state) */
    statedata_t stdata[sizeof state / sizeof *state] = {{.num_records = 0}};
    /* read from file given as argument (or stdin if none given) */
    FILE *fp = argc > 1 ? fopen (argv[1], "r") : stdin;

    if (!fp) {  /* validate file open for reading */
        perror ("file open failed");
        return 1;

    while (fgets (buf, MAXC, fp)) {     /* read each line of data */
        char code[ABRV+1] = "";         /* declare storage for abriviation */
        climate_t tmp = { .millitime = 0 }; /* declare temp stuct for data */

        /* simple parse of data with sscanf */
        if (sscanf (buf, "%2s %lld %12s %lf %lf %lf %lf %Lf %lf", code,
            &tmp.millitime, tmp.location, &tmp.humidity, &tmp.snow,
            &tmp.cloud, &tmp.lightning, &tmp.pressure, &tmp.temperature)
            == 9) {
            if (!insert_data (stdata, code, &tmp))  /* insert data/validate */
                fprintf (stderr, "error: insert_data failed (%s).\n", code);
        else    /* handle error */
            fprintf (stderr, "error: invalid format:\n%s\n", buf);
    if (fp != stdin) fclose (fp);   /* close file if not stdin */

    print_data (stdata);    /* print data */
    free_data (stdata);     /* free allocated memory */

    return 0;

$ cat dat/state_climate.txt
 TN     1424325600000   dn20t1kz0xrz    67.0    0.0  0.0     0.0    101872.0    262.5665
 TN     1422770400000   dn2dcstxsf5b    23.0    0.0  100.0   0.0    100576.0    277.8087
 TN     1422792000000   dn2sdp6pbb5b    96.0    0.0  100.0   0.0    100117.0    278.49207
 TN     1422748800000   dn2fjteh8e80    6.0     0.0  100.0   0.0    100661.0    278.28485
 TN     1423396800000   dn2k0y7ffcup    14.0    0.0  100.0   0.0    100176.0    282.02142

$ ./bin/state_climate <dat/state_climate.txt

  1424325600000  dn20t1kz0xrz  67.0   0.0   0.0   0.0 101872.0 262.5665
  1422770400000  dn2dcstxsf5b  23.0   0.0 100.0   0.0 100576.0 277.8087
  1422792000000  dn2sdp6pbb5b  96.0   0.0 100.0   0.0 100117.0 278.4921
  1422748800000  dn2fjteh8e80   6.0   0.0 100.0   0.0 100661.0 278.2849
  1423396800000  dn2k0y7ffcup  14.0   0.0 100.0   0.0 100176.0 282.0214

$ valgrind ./bin/state_climate <dat/state_climate.txt
==6157== Memcheck, a memory error detector
==6157== Copyright (C) 2002-2015, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
==6157== Using Valgrind-3.12.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
==6157== Command: ./bin/state_climate

  1424325600000  dn20t1kz0xrz  67.0   0.0   0.0   0.0 101872.0 262.5665
  1422770400000  dn2dcstxsf5b  23.0   0.0 100.0   0.0 100576.0 277.8087
  1422792000000  dn2sdp6pbb5b  96.0   0.0 100.0   0.0 100117.0 278.4921
  1422748800000  dn2fjteh8e80   6.0   0.0 100.0   0.0 100661.0 278.2849
  1423396800000  dn2k0y7ffcup  14.0   0.0 100.0   0.0 100176.0 282.0214
==6157== HEAP SUMMARY:
==6157==     in use at exit: 0 bytes in 0 blocks
==6157==   total heap usage: 1 allocs, 1 frees, 768 bytes allocated
==6157== All heap blocks were freed -- no leaks are possible
==6157== For counts of detected and suppressed errors, rerun with: -v
==6157== ERROR SUMMARY: 0 errors from 0 contexts (suppressed: 0 from 0)


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