python - C应该向Python call()返回什么?

标签 python c

Executing a C program in python? 继续我之前的问题;什么从 C 返回一个以在 Python 中获取可用数据??


int main (int argc, char *argv[])
    spa_data spa;  //declare the SPA structure
    int result;
    float min, sec;

    //enter required input values into SPA structure

    spa.year          = 2003;
    spa.month         = 10;           = 17;
    spa.hour          = 12;
    spa.minute        = 30;
    spa.second        = 30;
    spa.timezone      = -7.0;
    spa.delta_t       = 67;
    spa.longitude     = -105.1786;
    spa.latitude      = 39.742476;
    spa.elevation     = 1830.14;
    spa.pressure      = 820;
    spa.temperature   = 11;
    spa.slope         = 30;
    spa.azm_rotation  = -10;
    spa.atmos_refract = 0.5667;
    spa.function      = SPA_ALL;

    //call the SPA calculate function and pass the SPA structure

    result = spa_calculate(&spa);

    if (result == 0)  //check for SPA errors
        //display the results inside the SPA structure

        printf("Julian Day:    %.6f\n",spa.jd);
        printf("L:             %.6e degrees\n",spa.l);
        printf("B:             %.6e degrees\n",spa.b);
        printf("R:             %.6f AU\n",spa.r);
        printf("H:             %.6f degrees\n",spa.h);
        printf("Delta Psi:     %.6e degrees\n",spa.del_psi);
        printf("Delta Epsilon: %.6e degrees\n",spa.del_epsilon);
        printf("Epsilon:       %.6f degrees\n",spa.epsilon);
        printf("Zenith:        %.6f degrees\n",spa.zenith);
        printf("Azimuth:       %.6f degrees\n",spa.azimuth);
        printf("Incidence:     %.6f degrees\n",spa.incidence);

        min = 60.0*(spa.sunrise - (int)(spa.sunrise));
        sec = 60.0*(min - (int)min);
        printf("Sunrise:       %02d:%02d:%02d Local Time\n", (int)(spa.sunrise), (int)min, (int)sec);

        min = 60.0*(spa.sunset - (int)(spa.sunset));
        sec = 60.0*(min - (int)min);
        printf("Sunset:        %02d:%02d:%02d Local Time\n", (int)(spa.sunset), (int)min, (int)sec);

    } else printf("SPA Error Code: %d\n", result);

    return 0;

我读了一些关于结构和 Pythons'pack 的文章,但我还不能完全理解它,所以也许有人可以指出正确的方向。


将数据返回给 Python 的最简单方法是以某种合理的格式打印出来。您得到的那个还不错,但是简单的 CSV 会更容易一些。

然后您将使用 subprocess.Popen :

p = subprocess.Popen(["./spa", "args", "to", "spa"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
(stdout, stderr) = p.communicate()
data = parse_output(

并且,例如,如果输出为 CSV:

printf("%.6f, %.6e, %.6e, %.6f, %.6f, %.6e, %.6e, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f, %.6f\n",
       spa.jd, spa.l, spa.b, spa.r, spa.h, spa.del_psi, spa.del_epsilon, spa.epsilon,
       spa.zenith, spa.azimuth, spa.incidenc)


def parse_output(datastr):
    return [ float(value.strip()) for value in datastr.split(",")


  • 您正在处理的数据数量相当少(Popen.communicate() 在将所有输出返回给您的程序之前将其存储在内存中)
  • 您不会太频繁地调用 ./spa(生成进程非常非常慢)


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