c - 子函数内的 malloc、free 和 memmove

标签 c malloc free memmove


void NSV_String_Copy (char *Source, char *Destination)
    int len = strlen(Source);
    if (*Destination != NULL)
    Destination = malloc(len + 1);
    memmove(*Destination, Source, len);
    Destination[len] = '\0';             //null terminate


char *MySource = "abcd";
char *MyDestination;

NSV_String_Copy (MySource, MyDestination);



C 按值传递参数,这意味着您不能使用问题中的函数原型(prototype)更改调用者的 MyDestination。以下是更新调用方的 MyDestination 副本的两种方法。

选项 a) 传递 MyDestination 的地址

void NSV_String_Copy (char *Source, char **Destination)
    int len = strlen(Source);
    if (*Destination != NULL)
    *Destination = malloc(len + 1);
    memmove(*Destination, Source, len);
    (*Destination)[len] = '\0';             //null terminate

int main( void )
    char *MySource = "abcd";
    char *MyDestination = NULL;

    NSV_String_Copy(MySource, &MyDestination);
    printf("%s\n", MyDestination);

选项 b) 从函数返回 Destination,并将其分配给 MyDestination

char *NSV_String_Copy (char *Source, char *Destination)
    if (Destination != NULL)

    int len = strlen(Source);
    Destination = malloc(len + 1);
    memmove(Destination, Source, len);
    Destination[len] = '\0';             //null terminate

    return Destination;

int main( void )
    char *MySource = "abcd";
    char *MyDestination = NULL;

    MyDestination = NSV_String_Copy(MySource, MyDestination);
    printf("%s\n", MyDestination);

关于c - 子函数内的 malloc、free 和 memmove,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28618434/


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