go - 转换负数

标签 go


a := (uint8)(10)
b := (int8)(-8)
fmt.Println(a + (uint8)(b)) // result: 2



由于类型是无符号的,所以它是一个 overflow :
uint8(b)248,所以 a + uint8(b)10+248=258=> 255 0 1 2 => 2

my question is more about how to subtract from unsigned integers when the value (sometimes you want to add and sometimes subtract) is coming from an argument (that must be a signed type) which makes it so that you have to do type conversion before subtracting/adding.

同时使用 int8:

    a := int8(10)
    b := int8(-8)
    fmt.Println(a + b) // 2
    fmt.Println(a - b) // 18

您可以避免溢出,例如 this :

    a := uint8(10)
    b := int8(-8)
    c := uint8(b)
    d := uint16(a) + uint16(c)
    fmt.Println(d) // 258


a := (uint8)(10)
b := (int8)(-8)
fmt.Println(a + (uint8)(b))


a := uint8(10)
b := int8(-8)
fmt.Println(a + uint8(b))

confusion about convert `uint8` to `int8`

关于go - 转换负数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/56714851/


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