c - 二维字符数组太大退出代码 139

标签 c arrays multidimensional-array

大家好,我正在尝试读取 workersinfo.txt 并将其存储到二维字符数组中。该文件大约有 4,000,000 行,每行大约 100 个字符。我想将每个文件行存储在数组中。不幸的是,我得到退出代码 139(内存不足)。我知道我必须使用 malloc()free() 但我已经尝试了一些东西,但我无法让它们工作。最终我必须按 ID 号对数组进行排序,但我坚持声明数组。 该文件看起来像这样:

First Name, Last Name,Age, ID
Brad, Patterson,,20586
Zack, Morris,42,05689


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int main(void) {

FILE *ptr_file;
char workers[4000000][1000];

ptr_file =fopen("workersinfo.txt","r");
if (!ptr_file)

int i = 0;
while (fgets(workers[i],1000, ptr_file)!=NULL){


int n;
for(n = 0; n < 4000000; n++)
    printf("%s", workers[n]);

return 0;


堆栈内存是有限的。正如您在问题中指出的那样,您必须使用 malloc 来分配如此大的(需要我说巨大的)内存块,因为堆栈不能包含它。

您可以使用 ulimit 查看系统的限制(通常包括堆栈大小限制)。

在我的 Mac 上,限制是 8Mb。运行 ulimit -a 后,我得到:

stack size              (kbytes, -s) 8192


struct rlimit slim;
getrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK, &rlim);
rlim.rlim_cur // the stack limit



不过,恕我直言,分配 400MB 内存(或 4GB,具体取决于我查看的问题的哪一部分)是错误的形式,除非完全需要 - 特别是对于单个函数。

后续Q1:如何分别处理每个DB entry

我希望我没有在做你的家庭作业或其他任何事情......但我怀疑你的家庭作业会包括将 400Mb 数据加载到计算机内存的作业......所以......回答你评论中的问题:

下面的单项处理草图并不完美 - 每个条目的数据限制为 1Kb(我认为对于这种简单的数据来说已经足够了)。

此外,我不允许使用 UTF-8 编码或类似的编码(我遵循将使用英语的假设)。


要按 ID 对文件进行排序,您可以考虑一次运行两行(这将是一种缓慢的排序)并对它们进行排序,或者使用 ID 数据创建一个排序的 node 树和该行在文件中的位置(在读取该行之前获取位置)。一旦你对二叉树进行了排序,你就可以对数据进行排序......

...二叉树可能会变得有点大。你查了吗sorting algorithms

#include <stdio.h>

// assuming this is the file structure:
// First Name, Last Name,Age, ID
// Carlos,Lopez,,10568
// Brad, Patterson,,20586
// Zack, Morris,42,05689
// Then this might be your data structure per line:
struct DBEntry {
  char* last_name;        // a pointer to the last name
  char* age;              // a pointer to the name - could probably be an int
  char* id;               // a pointer to the ID
  char first_name[1024];  // the actual buffer...
  // I unified the first name and the buffer since the first name is first.

// each time you read only a single line, perform an error check for overflow
// and return the parsed data.
// return 1 on sucesss or 0 on failure.
int read_db_line(FILE* fp, struct DBEntry* line) {
  if (!fgets(line->first_name, 1024, fp))
    return 0;
  // parse data and review for possible overflow.

  // first, zero out data
  int pos = 0;
  line->age = NULL;
  line->id = NULL;
  line->last_name = NULL;

  // read each byte, looking for the EOL marker and the ',' seperators
  while (pos < 1024) {
    if (line->first_name[pos] == ',') {
      // we encountered a devider. we should handle it.

      // if the ID feild's location is already known, we have an excess comma.
      if (line->id) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Parsing error, invalid data - too many fields.\n");
        return 0;
      // replace the comma with 0 (seperate the strings)
      line->first_name[pos] = 0;
      if (line->age)
        line->id = line->first_name + pos + 1;
      else if (line->last_name)
        line->age = line->first_name + pos + 1;
        line->last_name = line->first_name + pos + 1;
    } else if (line->first_name[pos] == '\n') {
      // we encountered a terminator. we should handle it.
      if (line->id) {
        // if we have the id string's possition (the start marker), this is a
        // valid entry and we should process the data.
        line->first_name[pos] = 0;
        return 1;
      } else {
        // we reached an EOL without enough ',' seperators, this is an invalid
        // line.
        fprintf(stderr, "Parsing error, invalid data - not enough fields.\n");
        return 0;
  // we ran through all the data but there was no EOL marker...
          "Parsing error, invalid data (data overflow or data too large).\n");
  return 0;

// the main program
int main(int argc, char const* argv[]) {
  // open file
  FILE* ptr_file;
  ptr_file = fopen("workersinfo.txt", "r");
  if (!ptr_file)
    perror("File Error");

  struct DBEntry line;

  while (read_db_line(ptr_file, &line)) {
    // do what you want with the data... print it?
        "First name:\t%s\n"
        "Last name:\t%s\n"
        line.first_name, line.last_name, line.age, line.id);

  // close file
  return 0;

跟进 Q2:对 400MB-4GB 数据的数组进行排序

恕我直言,400MB 已经涉及到与大数据相关的问题。例如,就性能而言,在您的数据库上实现冒泡排序应该是令人痛苦的(除非它是单次任务,在这种情况下性能可能无关紧要)。

创建一个 DBEntry 对象数组最终会让您占用比实际数据更大的内存空间。


正确的方法取决于您的排序算法。 Wikipedia has a decent primer on sorting algorythms .


  1. 划分工作是有意义的,因此不同的线程/进程对数据的不同部分进行排序。

  2. 我们需要尽量减少硬盘驱动器的 IO(因为这会显着降低排序速度并阻止在同一台机器/磁盘上进行并行处理)。


另一种选择可能是采用分而治之的算法,例如 quicksort ,同样,仅对计算出的排序值和条目在原始文件中的位置进行排序。

无论哪种方式,编写像样的排序方法都将是一项复杂的任务,可能涉及线程、 fork 、临时文件或其他技术。



另一方面,每个条目需要大约 24 个字节。对于 400 万个条目,它是 96MB,比 400Mb 好一些,绝对比 4GB 好。

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

// assuming this is the file structure:
//    First Name, Last Name,Age, ID
//    Carlos,Lopez,,10568
//    Brad, Patterson,,20586
//    Zack, Morris,42,05689
// Then this might be your data structure per line:
struct DBEntry {
  char* last_name;        // a pointer to the last name
  char* age;              // a pointer to the name - could probably be an int
  char* id;               // a pointer to the ID
  char first_name[1024];  // the actual buffer...
  // I unified the first name and the buffer since the first name is first.

// this might be a sorting node for a sorted bin-tree:
struct SortNode {
  struct SortNode* next;  // a pointer to the next node
  fpos_t position;        // the DB entry's position in the file
  long value;             // The computed sorting value
}* top_sorting_node = NULL;

// this function will free all the memory used by the global Sorting tree
void clear_sort_heap(void) {
  struct SortNode* node;
  // as long as there is a first node...
  while ((node = top_sorting_node)) {
    // step forward.
    top_sorting_node = top_sorting_node->next;
    // free the original first node's memory
// each time you read only a single line, perform an error check for overflow
// and return the parsed data.
// return 0 on sucesss or 1 on failure.
int read_db_line(FILE* fp, struct DBEntry* line) {
  if (!fgets(line->first_name, 1024, fp))
    return -1;
  // parse data and review for possible overflow.

  // first, zero out data
  int pos = 0;
  line->age = NULL;
  line->id = NULL;
  line->last_name = NULL;

  // read each byte, looking for the EOL marker and the ',' seperators
  while (pos < 1024) {
    if (line->first_name[pos] == ',') {
      // we encountered a devider. we should handle it.

      // if the ID feild's location is already known, we have an excess comma.
      if (line->id) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Parsing error, invalid data - too many fields.\n");
      // replace the comma with 0 (seperate the strings)
      line->first_name[pos] = 0;
      if (line->age)
        line->id = line->first_name + pos + 1;
      else if (line->last_name)
        line->age = line->first_name + pos + 1;
        line->last_name = line->first_name + pos + 1;
    } else if (line->first_name[pos] == '\n') {
      // we encountered a terminator. we should handle it.
      if (line->id) {
        // if we have the id string's possition (the start marker), this is a
        // valid entry and we should process the data.
        line->first_name[pos] = 0;
        return 0;
      } else {
        // we reached an EOL without enough ',' seperators, this is an invalid
        // line.
        fprintf(stderr, "Parsing error, invalid data - not enough fields.\n");
  // we ran through all the data but there was no EOL marker...
          "Parsing error, invalid data (data overflow or data too large).\n");
  return 0;

// read and sort a single line from the database.
// return 0 if there was no data to sort. return 1 if data was read and sorted.
int sort_line(FILE* fp) {
  // allocate the memory for the node - use calloc for zero-out data
  struct SortNode* node = calloc(sizeof(*node), 1);
  // store the position on file
  fgetpos(fp, &node->position);
  // use a stack allocated DBEntry for processing
  struct DBEntry line;
  // check that the read succeeded (read_db_line will return -1 on error)
  if (read_db_line(fp, &line)) {
    // free the node's memory
    // return no data (0)
    return 0;
  // compute sorting value - I'll assume all IDs are numbers up to long size.
  sscanf(line.id, "%ld", &node->value);

  // heap sort?

  // This is a questionable sort algorythm... or a questionable implementation.
  // Also, I'll be using pointers to pointers, so it might be a headache to read
  // (it's a headache to write, too...) ;-)
  struct SortNode** tmp = &top_sorting_node;
  // move up the list until we encounter something we're smaller then us,
  // OR untill the list is finished.
  while (*tmp && (*tmp)->value <= node->value)
    tmp = &((*tmp)->next);
  // update the node's `next` value.
  node->next = *tmp;
  // inject the new node into the tree at the position we found
  *tmp = node;
  // return 1 (data was read and sorted)
  return 1;

// writes the next line in the sorting
int write_line(FILE* to, FILE* from) {
  struct SortNode* node = top_sorting_node;
  if (!node)   // are we done? top_sorting_node == NULL ?
    return 0;  // return 0 - no data to write
  // step top_sorting_node forward
  top_sorting_node = top_sorting_node->next;
  // read data from one file to the other
  fsetpos(from, &node->position);
  char* buffer = NULL;
  ssize_t length;
  size_t buff_size = 0;
  length = getline(&buffer, &buff_size, from);
  if (length <= 0) {
    perror("Line Copy Error - Couldn't read data");
    return 0;
  fwrite(buffer, 1, length, to);
  free(buffer);  // getline allocates memory that we're incharge of freeing.
  return 1;

// the main program
int main(int argc, char const* argv[]) {
  // open file
  FILE *fp_read, *fp_write;
  fp_read = fopen("workersinfo.txt", "r");
  fp_write = fopen("sorted_workersinfo.txt", "w+");
  if (!fp_read) {
    perror("File Error");
    goto cleanup;
  if (!fp_write) {
    perror("File Error");
    goto cleanup;

  while (sort_line(fp_read))
  // write all sorted data to a new file
  printf("\n\nWriting sorted data");
  while (write_line(fp_write, fp_read))
// clean up - close files and make sure the sorting tree is cleared
  return 0;

关于c - 二维字符数组太大退出代码 139,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35930885/


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