无法理解 C 中图灵机实现的输入

标签 c turing-machines

我刚在网上找到这段代码,不明白应该如何格式化输入。此处显示了来自同一程序员的类似输入示例:Pushdown automaton implemented in C


The input format is like: e01:e0$:000111:a:ad:aeeb$:b0eb0:b10ce:c10ce:ce$de The input is separated by a semicolon “:”, first section is “input alphabet”, second is “stack alphabet”, then “input” and the last whole bunch are transition functions.

谁能提供一些如何处理输入的指导?我现在非常努力地尝试了大约 6 个小时,但我终其一生都无法破译此代码的输入格式。

用 gcc 编译后,只需执行“./executable”并按回车键即可运行它。然后粘贴示例输入字符串,如上所示(尽管对于此程序我需要不同的输入)。

/* This C file implements a Turing Machine
 * author: Kevin Zhou
 * Computer Science and Electronics
 * University of Bristol
 * Date: 21st April 2010

typedef struct tapes {
    struct tapes *left;
    struct tapes *right;
    char content;
} Tape;

typedef enum { LEFT,RIGHT } Direction;

typedef struct transition {
    char current_state;
    char tape_symbol;
    char new_state;
    char new_tape_symbol;
    Direction dir;
} Transition;

typedef struct list {
    Transition *content;
    struct list *next;
} List;

typedef struct tm {
    char *input_alpha;
    char *input;
    char *tape_alpha;
    char start;
    char accept;
    char reject;
    List *transition;
} TM;

Tape *insert_tape(Tape *t, Direction dir, char c) {
    Tape *head = t;
    Tape *new1 = calloc(1,sizeof(Tape));;
    new1 -> content = c;
    if(dir == LEFT) {
        while(t->left != NULL) {
            t = t->left;
        new1->right = t;
        new1->left = NULL;
        t->left = new1;
        return new1;
    if(dir == RIGHT) {
        while(t->right != NULL) {
            t = t->right;
        new1->left = t;
        new1->right = NULL;
        t->right = new1;
    return head;

Tape *create_tape(char *input) {
    int i=1;
    Tape *t = calloc(1,sizeof(Tape));
    t->content = input[0];
    while(1) {
        if(input[i] == '\0') break;
        t = insert_tape(t,RIGHT,input[i]);
    return t;

/* turn the input string into Transition fields */
Transition *get_transition(char *s) {
    Transition *t = calloc(1,sizeof(Transition));
    Direction dir;
    t->current_state = s[0];
    t->tape_symbol = s[1];
    t->new_state = s[2];
    t->new_tape_symbol = s[3];
    dir = (s[4]=='R')? RIGHT:LEFT;
    t->dir = dir;
    return t;

/* turn the string into transitions and add into list */
List *insert_list( List *l, char *elem ) {
    List *t = calloc(1,sizeof(List));
    List *head = l;
        l = l->next;
    t->content = get_transition(elem);
    t->next = NULL;
    l->next = t;
    return head;

/* insert a transition into a list */
List *insert_list_transition( List *l, Transition *tr) {
    List *t = calloc(1,sizeof(List));
    List *head = l;
        l = l->next;
    t->content = tr;
    t->next = NULL;
    l->next = t;
    return head;

void print_tape( Tape *t,char blank) {
    char c;
    while(1) {
        if(t->content != blank) break;
        t= t->right;
    while(1) {
        if(t==NULL) break;
        c = t->content;
        if(t->content != blank)
        t= t->right;

void print_transition (Transition *t) {
    char s1[] = "Left";
    char s2[] = "Right";
    if(t==NULL) {
        printf("NULL Transfer");
    printf("current:%c tape:%c new state:%c new tape:%c direction %s\n",t->current_state,t->tape_symbol,t->new_state,t->new_tape_symbol,(t->dir == LEFT)?s1:s2);

/*test if the char c is in the string s */
int contains ( char c, char *s ) {
    int i=0;
    while(1) {
        if(c== s[i]) return 1;
        if(s[i] == '\0') return 0;

/* test if the input is a valid input */
int is_valid_input( char *input_alpha, char *input ) {
    int i=0;
    char c;
    while(1) {
        c = input[i];
        if(c == '\0') break;
        if(!contains(c,input_alpha)) return 0;
    return 1;

TM *createTM (char *input) {

    TM *m = calloc(1,sizeof(TM));
    List *tr = calloc(1,sizeof(List));
    char *buffer;
    /*read input alphabet of PDA*/
    buffer = strtok(input,":");
    if(buffer == NULL) {
        printf("Error in reading input alphabet!\n");
    m->input_alpha = buffer;

    /*read tape alphabet*/
    buffer = strtok(NULL,":");

    if(buffer == NULL) {
        printf("Error in reading tape alphabet!\n");
    m->tape_alpha = buffer;

    /*read input sequence*/
    buffer = strtok(NULL,":");
    if(buffer == NULL) {
        printf("Error in reading input sequence!\n");

    if(!is_valid_input(m->input_alpha,buffer)) {
        printf("Error! Input contains some invalid characters that don't match the input alphabet!\n");

    m->input = buffer;
    buffer = strtok(NULL,":");
    m->start = buffer[0];
    buffer = strtok(NULL,":");
    m->accept = buffer[0];
    buffer = strtok(NULL,":");
    m->reject = buffer[0];

    /*read tape transition*/
    while(1) {
        buffer = strtok(NULL,":");
        if(buffer == NULL) break;
        tr = insert_list(tr,buffer);

    m->transition = tr->next;
    return m;

Transition *find_transition(List * list,char state, char tape_symbol) {
    Transition *t;
    while(1) {
        if(list==NULL) return NULL;
        t = list -> content;
        if(t->current_state == state && t->tape_symbol == tape_symbol)
            return t;
        list = list->next;

Tape *move(Tape *t,Direction dir, char blank) {
    if(dir == LEFT) {
        if(t->left==NULL) {
            t = insert_tape(t,LEFT,blank);
        return t->left;
    if(dir == RIGHT) {
        if(t->right==NULL) {
            t = insert_tape(t,RIGHT,blank);
        return t->right;
    return NULL;

void simulate( TM *m ) {
    /* first symbol in input symbol used to represent the blank symbol */
    const char blank = m->tape_alpha[0];
    char current_state = m->start;
    Tape *tape = create_tape(m->input);
    Tape *current_tape = tape;
    char current_tape_symbol;
    Transition *current_transition;
    while(1) {
        if(current_state == m->accept) {
        if(current_state == m->reject) {
        current_tape_symbol = (current_tape==NULL||current_tape ->content == '\0')?blank:current_tape->content;
        current_transition = find_transition(m->transition,current_state,current_tape_symbol);
        current_state = current_transition -> new_state;
        current_tape -> content = current_transition -> new_tape_symbol;
        current_tape = move( current_tape, current_transition ->dir, blank);

int main(void) {
    char s[300];
    TM *p;
    p = createTM(s);
    return 0;


线的大量使用buffer = strtok(NULL,":")确认输入字符串(就像在链接到的代码中一样)以冒号分隔。



typedef struct tm {
    char *input_alpha;
    char *input;
    char *tape_alpha;
    char start;
    char accept;
    char reject;
    List *transition;
} TM;

函数createTM()是在 : 上拆分输入的函数并加载图灵机。 struct tm有 7 个字段和 createTM()有7个清晰的阶段

1) 第一部分是输入字母表。大概这将是一个包含 1 个或多个字符的字符串,例如01 .

2) 第二部分是磁带是磁带字母表。其中唯一在其余代码中起作用的字符是第一个字符。线路const char blank = m->tape_alpha[0];主仿真函数中的 表示第一个字符起空白字符的作用——表示磁带方 block 为空的字符。将空白写入正方形的能力允许图灵机删除正方形中的数据。请注意,在某种意义上,这部分输入是乱序的——它被列为结构定义中的第三个字段,但却是输入字符串中的第二个字段。

3) 第三部分是磁带上的初始输入。它是一个字符串,其所有字符都来自第一部分。函数is_valid_input()用于检查此条件。

4) 接下来是起始状态,由一个字符组成

5) 下一部分是接受状态,同样是单个字符。因此,在这个 TM 模型中,只有一个接受状态

6) 接下来是拒绝状态,同样用一个字符表示

7) 接下来是一个字符串序列,输入一个字符串链表。理解其工作原理的关键函数是 get_transition()它采用这些转换字符串之一并将其转换为 Transition结构,声明为:

typedef struct transition {
    char current_state;
    char tape_symbol;
    char new_state;
    char new_tape_symbol;
    Direction dir;
} Transition;

仔细看函数get_transition()您可以推断出转换由长度为 5 的字符串表示,其中最后一个字符是 RL .一个例子类似于 a1b0R上面写着类似“如果您在状态 a 时扫描符号 0,转换到状态 b,写入符号 1 并向右移动”。




   01    _102    1001010101     $       a       r       $0b1R    b1b0L    a1b2R
 input   tape      input      start  accept  reject          transitions
|  alphabets |                 |     states        | 
(blank = '_')    


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