go - 为什么我无法在 Go 中将指针字符串转换为字符串?

标签 go

此代码解析命令行参数。如果我输入“/netstat -c/etc/config -I eth0”,它应该是:“c/etc/config\n i eth0”, 但事实并非如此。终端输出为:

c 配置文件


./netstat -c /etc/config -i eth0
c configfile
c interface


package main

import (

type CmdSt struct {
    configPtr    string
    interfacePtr string

var cmdSt CmdSt

func usage() {

    cmdSt.configPtr = *flag.String("c", "configfile", "configure file to parse ")
    cmdSt.interfacePtr = *flag.String("i", "interface", "capture network interface")
        a := flag.String("c", "configfile", "configure file to parse ")
        b := flag.String("i", "interface", "capture network interface")


    fmt.Println("c", cmdSt.configPtr)
    fmt.Println("i", cmdSt.interfacePtr)
        fmt.Println("c:", *a)
        fmt.Println("i:", *b)
func main() {



这是因为在调用 flag.Parse() 之前您仍然保留默认值:

// still holding the "configfile" as value
cmdSt.configPtr = *flag.String("c", "configfile", "configure file to parse ")
// still holding the "interface" as value
cmdSt.interfacePtr = *flag.String("i", "interface", "capture network interface")

// flag is parsed now, but both cmdSt.configPtr and cmdSt.interfacePtr still holding the default value because of the pointer.


// hold the value to temporary variables
a := flag.String("c", "configfile", "configure file to parse ")
b := flag.String("i", "interface", "capture network interface")

// parse the flag and save to the variables.

// now, point the value to the CmdSt struct
cmdSt.configPtr = *a
cmdSt.interfacePtr = *b

fmt.Println("c", cmdSt.configPtr)
fmt.Println("i", cmdSt.interfacePtr)

关于go - 为什么我无法在 Go 中将指针字符串转换为字符串?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/54798414/


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