c - 好的散列函数

标签 c hashcode hash-function

我一直未能理解哈希函数的设计。我正在举一个例子。正如您在函数注释中所看到的,为什么要选择 31 作为要相乘的数字。你怎么决定?这是随机的还是意味着什么?

unsigned int hash(hash_table_t *hashtable, char *str)
    unsigned int hashval;

    /* we start our hash out at 0 */
    hashval = 0;

    /* for each character, we multiply the old hash by 31 and add the current
     * character.  Remember that shifting a number left is equivalent to 
     * multiplying it by 2 raised to the number of places shifted.  So we 
     * are in effect multiplying hashval by 32 and then subtracting hashval.  
     * Why do we do this?  Because shifting and subtraction are much more 
     * efficient operations than multiplication.
    for(; *str != '\0'; str++) hashval = *str + (hashval << 5) - hashval;

    /* we then return the hash value mod the hashtable size so that it will
     * fit into the necessary range
    return hashval % hashtable->size;


有问题的哈希被称为 Bernstein 哈希、Torek 哈希,或简称为“times 33”哈希。它非常受欢迎,因为它简单、速度快,并且可以很好地分发英文字符串数据。

你的评论指出它实际上乘以 31,这对你来说似乎是任意的,实际上 有点任意。 Apache Portable Runtime has a comment in their hash algorithm source其中指出许多可能的常量都可以很好地工作(33 是最常见的)。它们都是奇数并且接近 2 的幂,这意味着它们可以很好地转化为移位和加减法。


关于c - 好的散列函数,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8949220/


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