转到 : Deadlock issue with go channel and select

标签 go deadlock tcpserver

我已经在 golang 中实现了一个演示 tcp 聊天服务器,它工作正常,但每次用户断开连接时,我都会尝试向广播 channel 写入一条消息,让其他用户知道用户已断开连接,它会阻塞,并且会不再处理来自其他客户端的任何新消息,因为它是一个非缓冲 channel


  1. 我要写信给 channel
  2. 我已经给 channel 写信了
  3. 我已从 channel 阅读

而且消息都井井有条,但我的消息 channel 仍然阻塞。

Ps:如果我使用缓冲 channel ,代码不会阻塞,但我想知道我的代码在哪里卡住了。 我还尝试使用 -race 标志运行我的代码,但没有帮助

package main

import (

func main() {
    msg := make(chan string)          //broadcast channel (making it buffered channel the problem goes away)
    allConn := make(map[net.Conn]int) //Collection of incoming connections for broadcasting the message
    disConn := make(chan net.Conn)    //client disconnect channel
    newConn := make(chan net.Conn)    //new client connection channel
    mutext := new(sync.RWMutex)       //mux to assign unique id to incoming connections
    i := 0
    listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", "")
    fmt.Println("Tcp server started at")
    //Accept incoming connections and store them in global connection store allConn
    go func() {
        for {
            conn, err := listener.Accept()
            allConn[conn] = i
            newConn <- conn
    for {
        select {
        //Wait for a new client message to arrive and broadcast the message
        case umsg := <-msg:
            fmt.Println("Broadcast Channel: Already Read")
            bmsg := []byte(umsg)
            for conn1, _ := range allConn {
                _, err := conn1.Write(bmsg)

        //Handle client disconnection [disConn]
        case conn := <-disConn:
            fmt.Println("user disconneting", allConn[conn])
            delete(allConn, conn)
            fmt.Println("Disconnect: About to Write")
            //this call results in deadlock even when channel is empty, buffered channel resolves the issue
            //need to know why
            msg <- fmt.Sprintf("Disconneting", allConn[conn])
            fmt.Println("Disconnect: Already Written")

        //Read client incoming message and put it on broadcasting channel and upon disconnect put on it disConn channel
        case conn := <-newConn:
            go func(conn net.Conn) {
                for {
                    buf := make([]byte, 64)
                    n, err := conn.Read(buf)
                    if err != nil {
                        if err == io.EOF {
                            disConn <- conn
                    fmt.Println("Client: About to Write")
                    msg <- string(buf[0:n])
                    fmt.Println("Client: Already Written")
            fmt.Println("User Connected", allConn[conn])
func checkErr(err error) {
    if err != nil {


在 Go 中,无缓冲 channel 是一个“同步点”。也就是说,如果你有一个 channel c ,然后做 c <- value , goroutine 阻塞直到有人准备好做 v = <- c (反之亦然,从阻塞 channel 接收数据时,在值可用之前没有任何东西可以接收 block ,但这可能并不令人惊讶)。具体来说,对于阻塞 channel ,接收在发送完成之前完成。

由于您只有一个 goroutine,它无法循环回从 channel 读取并且写入将阻塞,直到可以读取为止。

理论上,您可以通过执行以下操作来解决此问题:go func() { msg <- fmt.Sprintf("Disconneting", allConn[conn] }() ,所以本质上是生成一个短暂的 goroutine 来完成写入。

关于转到 : Deadlock issue with go channel and select,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/41674415/


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