c - 添加一个 int 到 char* 的中间(在 C 中)

标签 c char-pointer

想知道怎么可能在 char* 中间有一个 int,像这样:

char * winning_message =
"Congratulations, you have finished the game with a score of " + INT_HERE +
"                 Press any key to exit...                   ";



char buf[256];  // make sure this is big enough to hold your entire string!
sprintf(buf, "Congratulations, you have finished the game with a score of %i\nPress any key to exit...", INT_HERE);

请注意,如果您的字符串最终比 sizeof(buf) 长,则上述内容是不安全的,sprintf() 将写入超过它的末尾并破坏您的堆栈。为避免这种风险,您可以改为调用 snprintf():

char buf[256];  // make sure this is big enough to hold your entire string!
snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Congratulations, you have finished the game with a score of %i\nPress any key to exit...", INT_HERE);

...唯一的缺点是 snprintf() 可能不适用于所有操作系统。

关于c - 添加一个 int 到 char* 的中间(在 C 中),我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46108509/


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