go - 同时配置网络设备

标签 go concurrency parallel-processing

我正在编写一个 Go 库来表示各种网络设备,例如交换机、路由器、无线 Controller 、接入点等,以便自动配置这些设备。到目前为止,我有一个 Device 结构,它有一个公共(public) Host 字段和各种私有(private)字段,用于处理特定于 SSH 的操作,以及连接到设备的方法,向它发送一组配置命令,并检索命令的输出。截至目前,没有一个方法实现为并发,主要是因为我不知道哪些方法(如果有的话)会从并发中受益。

作为一个整体,我的问题是通过 SSH 配置设备列表,这似乎是使用并发的好案例(而不是盲目地尝试使用并发来“快速”),因为配置单个设备的过程可能很昂贵,但我不确定在我的应用程序中在哪里实现并发以及如何同步所有内容(线程安全?)。对于互斥体、 WaitGroup 、 channel 和协程,像我这样的初学者不知道从哪里开始有点困惑。我希望至少让一个方法同时工作,以便更好地理解 Go 中的(惯用的)并发性。

这是我的 Device 结构及其方法。为了清楚地说明我想要完成的事情以及我对实现细节的想法,它被大量评论。

package device

import (

// A Device represents a network device, such as a switch, router, controller, etc.
type Device struct {
    Host    string         // Hostname or IP address
    client  *ssh.Client    // the SSH client connection
    session *ssh.Session   // the connection to the remote shell
    stdin   io.WriteCloser // a pipe connected to the remote shell's standard input
    stdout  io.Reader      // a pipe connected to the remote shell's standard output
    stderr  io.Reader      // a pipe connected to the remote shell's standard error

// NewDevice constructs a new device with the given hostname or IP address.
func NewDevice(host string) *Device {
    return &Device{Host: host}

// Connect starts a client connection to the device, starts a remote
// shell, and creates pipes connected to the remote shell's standard input,
// standard output, and standard error.
func (d *Device) Connect(config *ssh.ClientConfig) error {
    // TODO: connect to client, start session, setup IO
    // Use a goroutine to handle each step? One goroutine for all steps?
    return nil

// setupIO connects pipes to the remote shell's standard input, output and error.
func (d *Device) setupIO() error {
    sshIn, err := d.session.StdinPipe()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    d.stdin = sshIn

    sshOut, err := d.session.StdoutPipe()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    d.stdout = sshOut

    sshErr, err := d.session.StderrPipe()
    if err != nil {
        return err
    d.stderr = sshErr

    return nil

// SendConfigSet writes a set of configuration commands to the remote shell's
// standard input then waits for the remote commands to exit.
func (d *Device) SendConfigSet(cmds []string) error {
    // TODO: send a set of configuration commands
    // Make concurrent? Commands need to be sent in a specific order.
    // This function will have different setup and cleanup commands
    // that will need to be sent depending on a Device's vendor.
    // For example, a Cisco device and an HPE device have
    // different sets of setup commands needed before sending
    // the `cmds` passed to this function, and have different sets of
    // cleanup commands that must be sent before exiting.
    return nil

// sendCmd writes a remote command to the remote shell's standard input
func (d *Device) sendCmd(cmd string) error {
    if _, err := d.stdin.Write([]byte(cmd + "\n")); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

// Output reads the remote shell's standard output line by line into a
// slice of strings.
func (d *Device) Output() ([]string, error) {
    // TODO: read contents of session standard output
    // Concurrently read from stdout and send to channel?
    // If so, use a local channel or add an output channel to `Device`?
    return nil, nil

// Output reads the remote shell's standard error line by line into a
// slice of strings.
func (d *Device) Err() ([]string, error) {
    // TODO: read contents of session standard error
    // Concurrently read from stderr and send to channel?
    // If so, use a local channel or add an error channel to `Device`?
    return nil, nil

func (d *Device) Close() error {
    if err := d.stdin.Close(); err != nil {
        return err
    if err := d.session.Close(); err != nil {
        return err
    if err := d.client.Close(); err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

下面是我的device 包的用法示例:

package main

import (

func main() {
    var hosts, cmds []string

    config := &ssh.ClientConfig{
        User:            "username",
        Auth:            []ssh.AuthMethod{ssh.Password("password")},
        HostKeyCallback: ssh.InsecureIgnoreHostKey(),
        Timeout:         time.Second * 5,

    outputs := make(chan string)
    for _, host := range hosts {
        go configure(host, cmds, config, outputs)
    for i := 0; i < len(hosts); i++ {
        res := <-outputs

func configure(host string, cmds []string, config *ssh.ClientConfig, outputs <-chan string) {
    // omitted error handling for brevity
    netDev := device.NewDevice(host)
    defer netDev.Close()
    out, _ := netDev.Output()
    outputs <- strings.Join(out, "\n")

我并不是要别人为我编写这段代码。如果您有代码示例,那很好,但我只是想组织实现并发并了解一般的并发。 p>





关于串行通信的设备最难的部分是请求与答案的同步。这里有一些示例代码,我是如何解决这个问题的:playground, not runnable


上面的示例代码使用单个例程来同步对设备的调用,而每个调用在完成之前等待答案。您可以通过在连接的每次使用周围使用互斥锁来实现相同的目的。同时,我更喜欢使用互斥锁来实现这一点,因为它可以省去 goroutine 的启动和停止——如果操作不当,可能会造成 goroutine 泄漏。

顺便说一句:ConnAdapter 结构是完全并发安全的,可以同时从多个例程中使用。


从您的代码看来,您启动应用程序,获取主机列表(从某处),获取 cmds 列表(可能从某处每个主机),然后想要在其主机上执行所有命令并等待一切完成了。



关于go - 同时配置网络设备,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/49306598/


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