c - 缓冲区溢出和集中错误处理

标签 c error-handling buffer-overrun

我正在阅读Code Complete 2并且我在错误处理中遇到了这个语句:

Call an error-processing routine/object. Another approach is to centralize error handling in a global error-handling routine or error-handling object. The advantage of this approach is that error-processing responsibility can be centralized, which can make debugging easier. The tradeoff is that the whole program will know about this central capability and will be coupled to it. If you ever want to reuse any of the code from the system in another system, you'll have to drag the error-handling machinery along with the code you reuse.


This approach has an important security implication. If your code has encountered a buffer overrun, it's possible that an attacker has compromised the address of the handler routine or object. Thus, once a buffer overrun has occurred while an application is running, it is no longer safe to use this approach.



这是因为错误处理函数的地址存储在应用程序可以访问的内存区域中,就像 32 或 64 位整数一样,具体取决于您的平台。这通常位于堆栈底部的某个位置,但在全局错误处理程序的情况下,它可以位于不同的位置,只要线程知道如何到达那里。


请注意,详细信息完全取决于您的程序使用的框架或操作系统。本教程有一个适用于 Windows 的很好的示例:



关于c - 缓冲区溢出和集中错误处理,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25355801/


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