c++ - OpenCV FileStorage 如何读取结构 vector ?

标签 c++ opencv yaml

我用这样的数据编写 vector :

string filename= itemName+".yml";

FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::WRITE);
fs << "number_of_objects" << (int)vec.size();
fs << "objects" << "[";
for( int i=0; i < (int)vec.size(); ++i )
    fs << "{";
    fs << "x" << rc.x/imageScale;
    fs << "y" << rc.y/imageScale;
    fs << "w" << rc.width/imageScale;
    fs << "h" << rc.height/imageScale;
    fs << "}";
fs << "]";


FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::READ);

    return false;

int nObjects= 0;
fs["number_of_objects"] >> nObjects;
for( int i=0; i < nObjects; ++i )
    int x,y,w,h;
    fs["x"] >> x;
    fs["y"] >> y;
    fs["w"] >> w;
    fs["h"] >> h;




正确的方法是使用 FileNodeFileNodeIterator

    FileStorage fs(filename, FileStorage::READ);

        return false;

    int nObjects= 0;
    fs["number_of_objects"] >> nObjects;

    FileNode fn = fs["objects"];
    int id=0;
    for (FileNodeIterator it = fn.begin(); it != fn.end(); it++,id++)
        FileNode item = *it;

        int x,y,w,h;
        item["x"] >> x;
        item["y"] >> y;
        item["w"] >> w;
        item["h"] >> h;

关于c++ - OpenCV FileStorage 如何读取结构 vector ?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/39275341/


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