android - OpenCv Core.line 在预期颜色时绘制白色

标签 android opencv opencv4android

OpenCv4Android 环境中,当我创建一个 Mat 图像并使用 Core.line() 在图像上绘制时,它总是显示白色而不是我指定的颜色。

white square instead of green square

我看过a question related to gray scale , 但我的图像还没有被转换成灰色。

public class DrawingTest extends AppCompatActivity {
    public static final Scalar GREEN = new Scalar(0,255,0);
    private RelativeLayout mLayout;
    private ImageView imageView;

    static {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        mLayout = (RelativeLayout) findViewById(;

        imageView = (ImageView) this.findViewById(imageView_dt);

        //test.jpg is in the drawable-nodpi folder, is an normal color jpg image.
        int drawableResourceId = getResources().getIdentifier("test", "drawable", getPackageName());
        Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(), drawableResourceId);
        //Mat matImage = new Mat(); // Also white
        Mat matImage = new Mat(bitmap.getHeight(), bitmap.getWidth(), CV_8UC4);
        Utils.bitmapToMat(bitmap, matImage);

        // Attempt to draw a GREEN box, but it comes out white
        Core.line(matImage, new Point(new double[]{100,100}), new Point(new double[]{100, 200}), GREEN,4);
        Core.line(matImage, new Point(new double[]{100,200}), new Point(new double[]{200, 200}), GREEN,4);
        Core.line(matImage, new Point(new double[]{200,200}), new Point(new double[]{200, 100}), GREEN,4);
        Core.line(matImage, new Point(new double[]{200,100}), new Point(new double[]{100, 100}), GREEN,4);

        Bitmap bitmapToDisplay = Bitmap.createBitmap(matImage.cols(), matImage.rows(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        Utils.matToBitmap(matImage, bitmapToDisplay);



public static final Scalar GREEN = new Scalar(0,255,0); 


Mat matImage = new Mat(bitmap.getHeight(), bitmap.getWidth(), CV_8UC4);`

您正在创建一个 4 channel 垫,但仅使用 3 个组件初始化 GREEN 标量,因此是第 4 个组件,它定义了您的线的第四个 channel 的颜色,这是默认设置在你的情况下值 0

因此,您所感知的白色实际上是透明的。您可以通过使用 CV_8UC3 创建 matImage 或将 GREEN 标量更改为 public static final Scalar GREEN = new Scalar( 0,255,0, 255);

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