go - 存储通用函数

标签 go


type command struct {                                                            
    help string                                                                  
    handler func (params ...interface{})                                         

func showHelp( commands map[string]command ) {                                   
    fmt.Println( "Help:" )                                                       
    for c, h := range commands {                                                 
        fmt.Println( c,"->" ,h.help )                                            

func main() {                                                                
    // Map to store commands                                                     
    commands := make( map[string]command )                                       

    // Adding help command                                                       
    commands["help"] = command{ "show this information", showHelp }


你有一个类型不匹配,因为你的结构成员需要一个 func(param ...interface) 而你正试图传递一个 func(map[string]command)

参见 here有关接口(interface)类型如何工作的解释。


package main

import "fmt"

type command struct {
    help    string
    handler interface{}

func showHelp(commands map[string]command) {
    for c, h := range commands {
        fmt.Println(c, "->", h.help)

func main() {
    // Map to store commands
    commands := make(map[string]command)

    // Adding help command
    commands["help"] = command{"show this information", showHelp}

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