c++ - 求从像素到边缘的距离

标签 c++ opencv image-processing distance edge-detection


edges of face


Starting from the pixel (R,C) I check every pixel around (R,C) that is d=1 pixels away from R,C. If I do not hit a black pixel, then I check every pixel around (R,C) that is d =2 pixels away from R,C ... and this carries on (with d increasing) until I find a black pixel and then I calculate the Euclidean Distance from R,C. Note that I am making sure that the pixels I check do not exceed the boundaries of the image).


有谁知道更快的方法吗?任何帮助将不胜感激。我使用 C++ 和 OpenCV 进行编码,因此任何使用这些的算法都是首选。


你想要做的是找到一个 distance transform的图像。您可以在函数distanceTransform中找到OpenCV的实现。 。你会发现它相当快。

关于c++ - 求从像素到边缘的距离,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18816839/


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