python - 无法使用 Python/opencv : Device or resource busy 关闭/打开 CameraCapture

标签 python opencv camera capture v4l2

当我尝试使用 Python 重新打开 opencv 的 CameraCapture 时,我得到:

libv4l2: error setting pixformat: Device or resource busy
HIGHGUI ERROR: libv4l unable to ioctl S_FMT

libv4l2: error setting pixformat: Device or resource busy
libv4l1: error setting pixformat: Device or resource busy
HIGHGUI ERROR: libv4l unable to ioctl VIDIOCSPICT

虽然我的应用程序使用 PyQt 和各种其他模块在更大的上下文中运行,但我能够隔离问题。因此,当我点击“r”(重新加载)时,捕捉对象被删除但我无法重新打开与相机的连接,因为它仍然处于事件状态:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from import *  
from opencv.highgui import *  

import sys
import time
import gc

cvNamedWindow("w1", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)
camera_index = 1
capture = cvCreateCameraCapture(camera_index)

def repeat():
    global capture #declare as globals since we are assigning to them now
    global camera_index
    frame = cvQueryFrame(capture)
    cvShowImage("w1", frame)
    c = cvWaitKey(10)

    if c == "q":

    if c == "r":

        print 'reload'

        #del frame
        del capture

        # pretty useless sleeping, garbage collecting, etc.
        #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        #print gc.get_objects()
        #print gc.DEBUG_UNCOLLECTABLE

        capture = cvCreateCameraCapture(camera_index)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    while True:

针对类似问题给出的提示对我不起作用: cant find ReleaseCapture in opencv while using python?和/或 OpenCV / Array should be CvMat or IplImage / Releasing a capture object


问题是您没有使用 OpenCV API 发布捕获组件。

你不应该做del capture。正确的方法是:


关于python - 无法使用 Python/opencv : Device or resource busy 关闭/打开 CameraCapture,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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