c++ - 如何将 emscripten 与 cmake 一起用于项目依赖项?

标签 c++ opencv cmake emscripten

所以我正在尝试将 emscripten 移植到 WebAssembly (wasm) 一个程序,该程序在开头包含以下内容:

#include <Eigen/Geometry>
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <dvo/core/intrinsic_matrix.h>
#include <dvo/core/surface_pyramid.h>
#include <dvo/dense_tracking.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

为了轻松开始,我尝试编译了一个最小的 hello world OpenCV 程序:

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace cv;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
  Mat M(2, 2, CV_8UC3, Scalar(0, 0, 255));
  std::cout << "M = " << std::endl << " " << M << std::endl;
  return 0;

我有以下 CMakeLists.txt:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.8)
project( DisplayImage )
find_package( OpenCV REQUIRED PATHS third-party/opencv-4.1.0/build_wasm NO_DEFAULT_PATH)
include_directories( ${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS} )
add_executable( hello hello.cpp )
target_link_libraries( hello ${OpenCV_LIBS} )

third-party/opencv-4.1.0/build_wasm 是我将 OpenCV 构建为 wasm (cf doc) 的文件夹:

python ./platforms/js/build_js.py build_wasm --build_wasm

现在,当我在我的项目上运行 emconfigure cmake .. 时,它没有找到 OpenCV(“找不到包配置...”)。我做错了什么,但我不知道是什么。不幸的是,关于将 emscripten 与 cmake 和依赖项一起使用的文档没有详细说明。或者这个问题可能是 OpenCV 特有的,我不知道。



 ~/t/w/w/build  emconfigure cmake ..                                                  ven. 26 avril 2019 16:01:00 CEST
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:5 (find_package):
  Could not find a package configuration file provided by "OpenCV" with any
  of the following names:


  Add the installation prefix of "OpenCV" to CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH or set
  "OpenCV_DIR" to a directory containing one of the above files.  If "OpenCV"
  provides a separate development package or SDK, be sure it has been

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
See also "/home/matthieu/temp/wasm/wasm-opencv/build/CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log".
shared:ERROR: Configure step failed with non-zero return code: 1.  Command line: cmake -DCMAKE_CROSSCOMPILING_EMULATOR="/home/matthieu/programs/emsdk/node/8.9.1_64bit/bin/node" .. -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/home/matthieu/programs/emsdk/emscripten/1.38.30/cmake/Modules/Platform/Emscripten.cmake at /home/matthieu/temp/wasm/wasm-opencv/build

CMakeFiles/CMakeOutput.log 的内容:

The target system is: Emscripten - 1 - x86
The host system is: Linux - 4.19.36-1-lts - x86_64


所以我终于设法用 cmake 编译了这个例子。虽然它很丑陋,因为我手动添加了一些 GLOB 的包含和库。我希望 OpenCV 在将库构建为 wasm 时,会提供一个完成所有依赖项设置的 OpenCVConfig.cmake 文件。它将允许在以 wasm 为目标时使用经典的 ${OpenCV_INCLUDE_DIRS}${OpenCV_LIBS}

cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 3.1 )
project( HelloCV )

# Does not work
# find_package( OpenCV REQUIRED PATHS third-party/opencv-4.1.0/build_wasm NO_DEFAULT_PATH)

# Needed for opencv2/opencv.hpp
include_directories( third-party/opencv-4.1.0/include )

# Needed by opencv.hpp for opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp
include_directories( third-party/opencv-4.1.0/build_wasm )

# Needed by opencv_modules.hpp for every module
file( GLOB opencv_include_modules "third-party/opencv-4.1.0/modules/*/include" )
include_directories( ${opencv_include_modules} )

# Our hello world executable
add_executable( hello hello.cpp )

# Link to opencv.js precompiled libraries
file( GLOB opencv_js "third-party/opencv-4.1.0/build_wasm/lib/*.a" )
target_link_libraries( hello ${opencv_js} )

这在使用 emscripten 编译为 WebAssembly 时效果很好:

~/t/e/o/build  emconfigure cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
~/t/e/o/build  emmake make
~/t/e/o/build  node hello.js
M =
 [  0,   0, 255,   0,   0, 255;
   0,   0, 255,   0,   0, 255]

我当前的 CMakeLists.txt 有一个恼人的问题,就是它无法在 native 中成功编译,只能在 wasm 中编译。如果您有比这更好的 cmake 配置,那么可以轻松更改目标(x86 或 emscripten),请分享您的答案。

关于c++ - 如何将 emscripten 与 cmake 一起用于项目依赖项?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/55869531/


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