matlab - 复制 Photoshop sRGB 到 LAB 的转换

标签 matlab image-processing colors photoshop color-space

我要完成的任务是复制 Photoshop RGB 到 LAB 的转换。
为简单起见,我将描述我为仅提取 L channel 所做的工作。

提取 Photoshop 的 L channel


RGB Colors Image

为了提取 Photoshop 的 LAB,我做了以下操作:

  1. 将图像加载到 Photoshop 中。
  2. 将模式设置为 LAB。
  3. 在 channel 面板中选择了 L channel 。
  4. 将模式设置为灰度。
  5. 将模式设置为 RGB。
  6. 另存为 PNG。

这是 Photoshop 的 L channel (这正是在 LAB 模式下选择 L channel 时在屏幕上看到的):

Photoshop's L Channel Image

sRGB 到 LAB 转换

我的主要引用是Bruce Lindbloom great site .
同样已知的是 Photoshop is using D50 White Point in its LAB Mode (另见 Wikipedia's LAB Color Space Page )。

假设 RGB 图像是 sRGB 格式,转换由下式给出:

sRGB -> XYZ(白点 D65)-> XYZ(白点 D50)-> LAB

假设数据在 [0, 1] 范围内的 Float 中,阶段由下式给出:

  1. Transform sRGB into XYZ .
    转换矩阵由 RGB -> XYZ Matrix 给出(参见 sRGB D65)。
  2. 从 XYZ D65 转换为 XYZ D50
    使用 Chromatic Adaptation Matrix 完成转换.由于上一步是矩阵乘法,因此可以将它们组合成一个矩阵,从 sRGB -> XYZ D50(参见 RGB to XYZ Matrix 的底部)。请注意,Photoshop 使用 Bradford Adaptation Method。
  3. 从 XYZ D50 转换为 LAB
    转换是使用 XYZ to LAB Steps 完成的.


因为,对于开始,我只是在 L channel 之后事情变得简单一些。图像被加载到 MATLAB 中并转换为 Float [0, 1] 范围。


%% Setting Enviorment Parameters

INPUT_IMAGE_RGB             = 'RgbColors.png';
INPUT_IMAGE_L_PHOTOSHOP     = 'RgbColorsL.png';

%% Loading Data

mImageRgb   = im2double(imread(INPUT_IMAGE_RGB));
mImageLPhotoshop     = im2double(imread(INPUT_IMAGE_L_PHOTOSHOP));
mImageLPhotoshop     = mImageLPhotoshop(:, :, 1); %<! All channels are identical

%% Convert to L Channel

mImageLMatlab = ConvertRgbToL(mImageRgb, 1);

%% Display Results
title('L Channel - Photoshop');

title('L Channel - MATLAB');

其中函数 ConvertRgbToL() 由:

function [ mLChannel ] = ConvertRgbToL( mRgbImage, sRgbMode )

OFF = 0;
ON  = 1;


RGB_TO_Y_MAT = [0.2225045, 0.7168786, 0.0606169]; %<! D50

Y_CHANNEL_THR = 0.008856;

% sRGB Compensation
if(sRgbMode == ON)
    vLinIdx = mRgbImage < 0.04045;

    mRgbImage(vLinIdx)  = mRgbImage(vLinIdx) ./ 12.92;
    mRgbImage(~vLinIdx) = ((mRgbImage(~vLinIdx) + 0.055) ./ 1.055) .^ 2.4;

% RGB to XYZ (D50)
mY = (RGB_TO_Y_MAT(1) .* mRgbImage(:, :, RED_CHANNEL_IDX)) + (RGB_TO_Y_MAT(2) .* mRgbImage(:, :, GREEN_CHANNEL_IDX)) + (RGB_TO_Y_MAT(3) .* mRgbImage(:, :, BLUE_CHANNEL_IDX));

vYThrIdx = mY > Y_CHANNEL_THR;

mY3 = mY .^ (1 / 3);

mLChannel = ((vYThrIdx .* (116 * mY3 - 16.0)) + ((~vYThrIdx) .* (903.3 * mY))) ./ 100;


对于大多数颜色,Photoshop 都暗得多。

有人知道如何复制 Photoshop 的 LAB 转换吗?




Photoshop 是一个非常古老且困惑的软件。当您执行从一种模式到另一种模式的转换时,没有明确的文档说明为什么像素值会发生这种或那种情况。

出现问题是因为当您在 Adob​​e Photoshop 中将选定的 L* channel 转换为灰度时, Gamma 值发生了变化。在本地,转换使用 1.74 的 Gamma 进行单 channel 到灰度转换。不要问我为什么,我猜这与旧激光打印机有关(?)。


打开你的文件,把它调到LAB模式,只选择L channel


编辑 > 转换为配置文件

您将选择“自定义 Gamma ”并输入值 2.0(不要问我为什么 2.0 效果更好,我不知道 Adob​​e 软件制造商的想法是什么...) 此操作会将您的图片变成只有一个 channel 的灰度图片


如果您将结果与您的结果进行比较,您将看到最多 4 个点的差异 % - 所有这些都位于最暗的区域。

我怀疑这是因为 Gamma 曲线应用不适用于暗值下的 LAB 模式(如您所知,所有低于 0.008856 的 XYZ 值在 LAB 中都是线性的)


据我所知,在 Adob​​e Photoshop 中没有正确的实现方式来将 L channel 从 LAB 模式提取到灰色模式!




这似乎与 Adob​​e Photoshop 的结果完全相同。

我不确定您这边出了什么问题,因为您描述的步骤与我遵循的步骤完全相同,我建议您遵循这些步骤。我没有 Matlab,所以我使用了 python:

import cv2, Syn

# your file
fn = "EASA2.png"

#reading the file
im = cv2.imread(fn,-1)

#openCV works in BGR, i'm switching to RGB
im = im[:,:,::-1]

#conversion to XYZ
XYZ = Syn.sRGB2XYZ(im)

#white points D65 and D50
WP_D65 = Syn.Yxy2XYZ((100,0.31271, 0.32902))
WP_D50 = Syn.Yxy2XYZ((100,0.34567, 0.35850))

XYZ2 = Syn.bradford_adaptation(XYZ, WP_D65, WP_D50) 

#conversion to L*a*b*
LAB = Syn.XYZ2Lab(XYZ2, WP_D50)

#picking the L channel only
L = LAB[:,:,0] /100. * 255.

#image output
cv2.imwrite("result.png", L)

Syn 库是我自己的东西,这里是函数(抱歉乱七八糟):

def sRGB2XYZ(sRGB):

    sRGB = np.array(sRGB)
    aShape = np.array([1,1,1]).shape
    anotherShape = np.array([[1,1,1],[1,1,1]]).shape
    origShape = sRGB.shape

    if sRGB.shape == aShape:
        sRGB = np.reshape(sRGB, (1,1,3))

    elif len(sRGB.shape) == len(anotherShape):
        h,d = sRGB.shape
        sRGB = np.reshape(sRGB, (1,h,d))

    w,h,d = sRGB.shape

    sRGB = np.reshape(sRGB, (w*h,d)).astype("float") / 255.

    m1 = sRGB[:,0] > 0.04045
    m1b = sRGB[:,0] <= 0.04045
    m2 = sRGB[:,1] > 0.04045
    m2b = sRGB[:,1] <= 0.04045
    m3 = sRGB[:,2] > 0.04045
    m3b = sRGB[:,2] <= 0.04045

    sRGB[:,0][m1] = ((sRGB[:,0][m1] + 0.055 ) / 1.055 ) ** 2.4
    sRGB[:,0][m1b] = sRGB[:,0][m1b] / 12.92

    sRGB[:,1][m2] = ((sRGB[:,1][m2] + 0.055 ) / 1.055 ) ** 2.4
    sRGB[:,1][m2b] = sRGB[:,1][m2b] / 12.92

    sRGB[:,2][m3] = ((sRGB[:,2][m3] + 0.055 ) / 1.055 ) ** 2.4
    sRGB[:,2][m3b] = sRGB[:,2][m3b] / 12.92

    sRGB *= 100. 

    X = sRGB[:,0] * 0.4124 + sRGB[:,1] * 0.3576 + sRGB[:,2] * 0.1805
    Y = sRGB[:,0] * 0.2126 + sRGB[:,1] * 0.7152 + sRGB[:,2] * 0.0722
    Z = sRGB[:,0] * 0.0193 + sRGB[:,1] * 0.1192 + sRGB[:,2] * 0.9505

    XYZ = np.zeros_like(sRGB)

    XYZ[:,0] = X
    XYZ[:,1] = Y
    XYZ[:,2] = Z

    XYZ = np.reshape(XYZ, origShape)

    return XYZ

def Yxy2XYZ(Yxy):

    Yxy = np.array(Yxy)
    aShape = np.array([1,1,1]).shape
    anotherShape = np.array([[1,1,1],[1,1,1]]).shape
    origShape = Yxy.shape

    if Yxy.shape == aShape:
        Yxy = np.reshape(Yxy, (1,1,3))

    elif len(Yxy.shape) == len(anotherShape):
        h,d = Yxy.shape
        Yxy = np.reshape(Yxy, (1,h,d))

    w,h,d = Yxy.shape

    Yxy = np.reshape(Yxy, (w*h,d)).astype("float")

    XYZ = np.zeros_like(Yxy)

    XYZ[:,0] = Yxy[:,1] * ( Yxy[:,0] / Yxy[:,2] )
    XYZ[:,1] = Yxy[:,0]
    XYZ[:,2] = ( 1 - Yxy[:,1] - Yxy[:,2] ) * ( Yxy[:,0] / Yxy[:,2] )

    return np.reshape(XYZ, origShape)

def bradford_adaptation(XYZ, Neutral_source, Neutral_destination):
    """should be checked if it works properly, but it seems OK"""

    XYZ = np.array(XYZ)
    ashape = np.array([1,1,1]).shape
    siVal = False

    if XYZ.shape == ashape:

        XYZ = np.reshape(XYZ, (1,1,3))
        siVal = True

    bradford = np.array(((0.8951000, 0.2664000, -0.1614000),
                          (-0.750200, 1.7135000,  0.0367000),
                          (0.0389000, -0.068500,  1.0296000)))

    inv_bradford = np.array(((0.9869929, -0.1470543, 0.1599627),
                              (0.4323053,  0.5183603, 0.0492912),
                              (-.0085287,  0.0400428, 0.9684867)))

    Xs,Ys,Zs = Neutral_source
    s = np.array(((Xs),

    Xd,Yd,Zd = Neutral_destination
    d = np.array(((Xd),

    source =, s)
    Us,Vs,Ws = source[0], source[1], source[2]

    destination =, d)
    Ud,Vd,Wd = destination[0], destination[1], destination[2]

    transformation = np.array(((Ud/Us, 0, 0),
                                (0, Vd/Vs, 0),
                                (0, 0, Wd/Ws)))

    M = np.mat(inv_bradford)*np.mat(transformation)*np.mat(bradford)

    w,h,d = XYZ.shape
    result =,np.rot90(np.reshape(XYZ, (w*h,d)),-1))
    result = np.rot90(result, 1)
    result = np.reshape(np.array(result), (w,h,d))

    if siVal == False:
        return result
        return result[0,0]

def XYZ2Lab(XYZ, neutral):
    """transforms XYZ to CIE Lab
    Neutral should be normalized to Y = 100"""

    XYZ = np.array(XYZ)
    aShape = np.array([1,1,1]).shape
    anotherShape = np.array([[1,1,1],[1,1,1]]).shape
    origShape = XYZ.shape

    if XYZ.shape == aShape:
        XYZ = np.reshape(XYZ, (1,1,3))

    elif len(XYZ.shape) == len(anotherShape):
        h,d = XYZ.shape
        XYZ = np.reshape(XYZ, (1,h,d))

    N_x, N_y, N_z = neutral
    w,h,d = XYZ.shape

    XYZ = np.reshape(XYZ, (w*h,d)).astype("float")

    XYZ[:,0] = XYZ[:,0]/N_x
    XYZ[:,1] = XYZ[:,1]/N_y
    XYZ[:,2] = XYZ[:,2]/N_z

    m1 = XYZ[:,0] > 0.008856
    m1b = XYZ[:,0] <= 0.008856
    m2 = XYZ[:,1] > 0.008856 
    m2b = XYZ[:,1] <= 0.008856
    m3 = XYZ[:,2] > 0.008856
    m3b = XYZ[:,2] <= 0.008856

    XYZ[:,0][m1] = XYZ[:,0][XYZ[:,0] > 0.008856] ** (1/3.0)
    XYZ[:,0][m1b] = ( 7.787 * XYZ[:,0][m1b] ) + ( 16 / 116.0 )

    XYZ[:,1][m2] = XYZ[:,1][XYZ[:,1] > 0.008856] ** (1/3.0)
    XYZ[:,1][m2b] = ( 7.787 * XYZ[:,1][m2b] ) + ( 16 / 116.0 )

    XYZ[:,2][m3] = XYZ[:,2][XYZ[:,2] > 0.008856] ** (1/3.0)
    XYZ[:,2][m3b] = ( 7.787 * XYZ[:,2][m3b] ) + ( 16 / 116.0 )

    Lab = np.zeros_like(XYZ)

    Lab[:,0] = (116. * XYZ[:,1] ) - 16.
    Lab[:,1] = 500. * ( XYZ[:,0] - XYZ[:,1] )
    Lab[:,2] = 200. * ( XYZ[:,1] - XYZ[:,2] )

    return np.reshape(Lab, origShape)

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