matlab - 如何更改给定箱线图图形的 'PlotStyle' 属性?

标签 matlab matlab-figure boxplot

给定 Matlab 箱线图的 .fig 文件(即基础数据不可用),是否可以更改 PlotStyle 属性(从“传统”到“紧凑”)?


这个问题有点棘手,因为与 Matlab 中的其他图形对象不同,boxplot 是一组线。因此,在您创建它时设置的所有属性在绘图后都无法访问(实际上不存在)。

处理该问题的一个方法是创建一个“虚拟”箱线图,然后将其更改为您的数据。因为 boxplot 没有 XDataYData 的简单属性,至少不像我们使用的那样,所以需要做一些工作。


% this is just to make a figure for example:
X = normrnd(10,1,100,1);
boxplot(X) % this is the 'Traditional' figure that you load
% you start here, after you load your figure:
bx = findobj('tag','boxplot');
% get the properties of the axes:
axlimx = bx.Parent.XLim;
axlimy = bx.Parent.YLim;
% get all needed properties for plotting compact box plot
txt = bx.Parent.XAxis.TickLabels;
med = get(findobj(bx,'tag','Median'),'YData'); % Median
out = get(findobj(bx,'tag','Outliers'),'YData'); % Outliers
box = get(findobj(bx,'tag','Box'),'YData'); % the Box
whis = cell2mat(get([findobj(bx,'tag','Lower Whisker')...
    findobj(bx,'tag','Upper Whisker')],'YData')); % Whisker
minmax = @(R) [min(R(:)) max(R(:))]; % helper function
close all
% Now we closed the original figure, and create a new one for manipulation:
bxc = findobj('tag','boxplot');
% set the properties of the axes:
bxc.Parent.XLim = axlimx;
bxc.Parent.YLim = axlimy;
% set all properties of the compact box plot:
bxc.Children(1).String = txt;
set(bxc.Children(2),'YData',out) % Outliers
set(bxc.Children(3:4),'YData',med(1)) % MedianInner & MedianOuter
set(bxc.Children(5),'YData',minmax(box)) % the Box 
set(bxc.Children(6),'YData',minmax(whis)) % Whisker



% this is just to make a figure for example:
X = normrnd(10,1,100,1);
boxplot(X) % this is the 'Traditional' figure that you load
% you start here, after you load your figure:
bx = findobj('tag','boxplot');
minmax = @(R) [min(R(:)) max(R(:))]; % helper function
% get the whisker limits:
whis = cell2mat(get([findobj(bx,'tag','Lower Whisker')...
    findobj(bx,'tag','Upper Whisker')],'YData')); % Whisker
set(findobj(bx,'tag','Upper Whisker'),{'YData','Color','LineStyle'},...
% set the median:
% set the box:
    {[1 1],minmax(get(findobj(bx,'tag','Box'),'YData')),4});
im_med = copyobj(findobj(bx,'tag','Median'),bx);
im_med.Marker = '.';
% set the outliers:
out = get(findobj(bx,'tag','Outliers'),'YData'); % Outliers
% rotate x-axis labels:
bx.Parent.XAxis.TickLabelRotation = 90;
% delete all the rest:
delete(findobj(bx,'tag','Lower Whisker'))
delete(findobj(bx,'tag','Lower Adjacent Value'))
delete(findobj(bx,'tag','Upper Adjacent Value'))

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