matlab - 多个起点和终点的高效冒号运算符

标签 matlab vectorization simulink


start_idx = [1 4 7];
end_idx   = [2 6 15];


result = [1:2 4:6 7:15];


results = [1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15];

执行此操作的方法应该可以在 Simulink 的 MATLAB Function block 中使用。非常感谢!


这是一种基于累积求和的向量化方法 -

% Get lengths of each group
lens = end_idx - start_idx + 1;

% Determine positions in o/p array where groups would shift
shift_idx = cumsum(lens(1:end-1))+1

% Initialize ID array and at shifting positions place strategically created
% numbers, such that when ID array is cumulatively summed would result in
% desired "ramped" array
id_arr = ones(1,sum(lens));
id_arr([1 shift_idx]) = [start_idx(1) start_idx(2:end) - end_idx(1:end-1)];
out = cumsum(id_arr)

sample 运行-

start_idx =
     6     8    13
end_idx =
    11    11    15
out =
     6     7     8     9    10    11     8     9    10    11    13    14    15

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