lisp - 如何在 Common lisp 中注意多重条件检查?

标签 lisp common-lisp

才学了几天Common Lisp,教授给我布置了一个习题。但是,我的代码无法编译,谁能告诉我我的编码部分哪里做错了? This is the question

(defun( MIN-2 a b)
((and (numberp a) (numberp b) (<= a b)) a b)
((and (numberp a) (numberp b)    nil) ERROR)



(defun min-2 (a b)  ; Define a Lisp function MIN-2 … takes two arguments A and B
  (cond ((and (every #'numberp (list a b)) (<= a b)) a)  ; if … A <= B, returns A
        ((and (every #'numberp (list a b)) (> a b)) b)   ; if … A > B, returns B
        (t 'error)      ; if A or B is not a number (i. e. “else”), returns ERROR


(defun min-2 (a b)
  (cond ((not (every #'numberp (list a b))) 'error)
        ((<= a b) a)
        ((> a b) b)))


关于lisp - 如何在 Common lisp 中注意多重条件检查?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题:


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