android - CMake 在 Android 7 构建系统中使用 Ninja 做什么?

标签 android go cmake ninja

根据我得到的信息,在 Android 7 构建系统中:

  • Go 为 Soong 提供构建支持。
  • Soong 不使用 make,而是加载 .bp/.mk 文件,并输出 .ninja 文件。
  • Ninja 加载 .ninja 文件并构建源代码。

而且我还在 help page 中找到了CMake 包含一个 Ninja 生成器。


CMake 包含在 platform/prebuilts 中, 但不包括在 Android 7 manifests


    ./external/clang/CMakeLists.txt:686:  get_cmake_property(variableNames VARIABLES)
    ./external/clang/CMakeLists.txt:711:    ${cmake_3_1_EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL}
    ./external/clang/CMakeLists.txt:725:    ${cmake_3_4_USES_TERMINAL_OPTIONS}
    ./external/clang/CMakeLists.txt:734:    ${cmake_3_4_USES_TERMINAL}
    ./external/clang/CMakeLists.txt:750:      ${cmake_3_4_USES_TERMINAL}
    ./external/clang/runtime/CMakeLists.txt:28:    set(cmake_3_4_USES_TERMINAL_OPTIONS
    ./external/clang/runtime/CMakeLists.txt:49:  get_cmake_property(variableNames VARIABLES)
    ./external/clang/runtime/CMakeLists.txt:78:    ${cmake_3_4_USES_TERMINAL_OPTIONS}

此外,CMake 存在于文件夹下

    butter@server131:~/code/AOSP/N$ find ./ -name "cmake"

那么,如果 Soong 可以生成 .ninja 文件,那么 CMake 在 Android 7 构建系统中的作用是什么?只是另一种选择还是还没有完全被宋代取代?


Starting in 2.2, Android Studio on 64 bit OS, supports building C/C++ via CMake and ndk-build through stable gradle.

In both cases, Gradle is configured to point at the external build system. It interrogates the external build system to determine a list of all C/C++ sources that are being built in the project and uses this list to populate the Studio project, enabling editing and debugging inside Studio while still using the external build system to compile and link the C/C++ sources.

There is a set of maintained CMake NDK samples here.


参见:Build Android NDK project with Cmake

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