ruby 切片不为零

标签 ruby


对于四元素数组,[4] 返回nil,但[4, 0] 返回一个空数组。

array = [:peanut, :butter, :and, :jelly]
array[4] # => nil 
array[4, 0] # => [] 
array[5] # => nil 
array[5, 0] # => nil 

为什么 [4, 0] 不像 [5, 0] 那样返回 nil

Ruby 中数组切片的答案:寻找不合逻辑行为的解释(来自> Graphical Explination of WHats Happening


这是一个特例。来自official docs (斜体是我的):

For start and range cases the starting index is just before an element. Additionally, an empty array is returned when the starting index for an element range is at the end of the array.

a = [ "a", "b", "c", "d", "e" ]
# ...
# special cases
a[5]                   #=> nil
a[6, 1]                #=> nil
a[5, 1]                #=> []

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