go - 在 golang 中创建结构数组的映射?

标签 go hashmap associative-array linkedhashmap linkedhashset

我有一个 Json 格式

    }, {

我想创建一个以 tcp 作为键的 Map,并将 tcID 和时间添加到其中作为集合中的条目。





Here is a runnable example in the go playground

// the value in the map that you are unmarshalling to
type TCPValue struct {
    TcID string
    Time string

// the map type you are unmarshalling to
type TCPSet map[string][]TCPValue

// custom unmarshalling method that implements json.Unmarshaller interface
func (t *TCPSet) UnmarshalJSON(b []byte) error {
    // Create a local struct that mirrors the data being unmarshalled
    type tcEntry struct {
        TcID string `json:"tcID"`
        TCP string `json:"tcp"`
        Time string `json:"time"`

    var entries []tcEntry

    // unmarshal the data into the slice
    if err := json.Unmarshal(b, &entries); err != nil {
        return err

    tmp := make(TCPSet)

    // loop over the slice and create the map of entries
    for _, ent := range entries {
        tmp[ent.TCP] = append(tmp[ent.TCP], TCPValue{TcID: ent.TcID, Time: ent.Time})

    // assign the tmp map to the type
    *t = tmp
    return nil

您将能够像普通 map 一样访问这些元素:

elem := tcpSet["/home/1.py"]

根据 OP 的评论进行编辑 map[string][]TCPValue

关于go - 在 golang 中创建结构数组的映射?,我们在Stack Overflow上找到一个类似的问题: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50849055/


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