ruby - 使用正则表达式将 ruby 字符串分块

标签 ruby regex

我有一个按部分构建的文本文件,我想将其分解为一个数组,每个部分都包含字符串元素。每个部分的内容将根据部分进行不同的操作。我目前正在使用 irb,很可能会将其分解为一个单独的 ruby​​ 脚本文件。



*** Section Header ***

randomly formatted content
multiple lines

 *** Another Header (some don't end with asterisk and sometimes space will exist before the asterisk set)

This sections info
       **** sub headers sometime occur***
           I'm okay with treating this as normal headers for now.
           I think sub headers may have something consistent about them.

*** Header ***
  info for this section


[*** Section Header ***\r\n\r\n randomly formatted content\r multiple lines, **** Another Header\r this sections info,*** sub header and its info, ...etc.]

这是[部分的字符串,部分的字符串,部分的字符串] 由于不一致的打开和关闭条件或我的需求的多行性质导致的并发症,我的大多数尝试都失败了。










Ruby 的 Enumerable 包括 slice_before这对这类任务非常有用:

str = "*** Section Header ***

randomly formatted content
multiple lines

 *** Another Header (some don't end with asterisk and sometimes space will exist before the asterisk set)

This sections info
       **** sub headers sometime occur***
           I'm okay with treating this as normal headers for now.
           I think sub headers may have something consistent about them.

*** Header ***
  info for this section
# => [["*** Section Header ***",
#      "",
#      "randomly formatted content",
#      "multiple lines",
#      ""],
#     [" *** Another Header (some don't end with asterisk and sometimes space will exist before the asterisk set)",
#      "",
#      "This sections info"],
#     ["       **** sub headers sometime occur***",
#      "           I'm okay with treating this as normal headers for now.",
#      "           I think sub headers may have something consistent about them.",
#      "",
#      ""],
#     ["*** Header ***", "  info for this section"]]

使用 slice_before 允许我使用一个非常简单的模式来定位一个标志/目标,该标志/目标指示子数组中断发生的位置。使用 /^\s*\*{3}/ 查找以可能的空格字符串开头后跟三个 '*' 的行。一旦找到,一个新的子数组就开始了。

如果您希望每个子数组实际上是单个字符串而不是 block 中的行数组,map(&:join) 是您的 friend :

# => ["*** Section Header ***    randomly formatted content    multiple lines",
#     "     *** Another Header (some don't end with asterisk and sometimes space will exist before the asterisk set)    This sections info",
#     "           **** sub headers sometime occur***               I'm okay with treating this as normal headers for now.               I think sub headers may have something consistent about them.",
#     "    *** Header ***      info for this section    "]

而且,如果你想去掉前导和尾随的空格,你可以结合使用 stripmap:

str.split("\n").slice_before(/^\s*\*{3}/).map{ |sa| sa.join.strip }
# => ["*** Section Header ***    randomly formatted content    multiple lines",
#     "*** Another Header (some don't end with asterisk and sometimes space will exist before the asterisk set)    This sections info",
#     "**** sub headers sometime occur***               I'm okay with treating this as normal headers for now.               I think sub headers may have something consistent about them.",
#     "*** Header ***      info for this section"]


str.split("\n").slice_before(/^\s*\*{3}/).map{ |sa|' ') }
# => ["*** Section Header ***  randomly formatted content multiple lines ",
#     "*** Another Header (some don't end with asterisk and sometimes space will exist before the asterisk set)  This sections info",
#     "**** sub headers sometime occur*** I'm okay with treating this as normal headers for now. I think sub headers may have something consistent about them.  ",
#     "*** Header *** info for this section "]


str.split("\n").slice_before(/^\s*\*{3}/).map{ |sa| sa.join.strip.squeeze(' ') }
# => ["*** Section Header *** randomly formatted content multiple lines",
#     "*** Another Header (some don't end with asterisk and sometimes space will exist before the asterisk set) This sections info",
#     "**** sub headers sometime occur*** I'm okay with treating this as normal headers for now. I think sub headers may have something consistent about them.",
#     "*** Header *** info for this section"]


Splitting by "\r" produces a better output on my real file than "\n"


使用 /\r?\n/,这是一个正则表达式,用于查找可选的回车符后跟一个换行符。 Windows 使用 "\r\n" 组合来标记一行的结束,而 Mac OS 和 *nix 仅使用 "\n"。通过这样做,您不会将代码绑定(bind)到仅限 Windows。

我不知道 slice_before 是否是为这个特殊用途而开发的,但我用它来撕开文本文件并将它们分解成段落,并将网络设备配置分成 block ,这使得两种情况下的解析都容易得多。

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