ruby - 背景中的 cucumber <reference>?

标签 ruby cucumber

这是一个关于 cucumber 的棘手问题:

Feature: Some feature

    Given I am on the root page

Scenario Outline: Relevant flash messages should appear
    When I fill in some_field with: <name>
    Then I should see the text: <relevant_flash>

        | name          | relevant_flash    |
        | Some name     | Some message      |

Scenario Outline: Irrelevant flash messages should not appear
    When I fill in some_field with: <name>
    Then I should not see the text: <irrelevant_flash>

        | name          | irrelevant_flash  |
        | Some name     | Some message      |


 When I fill in some_field with: <name>



好吧,我可以用这样的东西来简化你的 cucumber :

Feature: Some feature

 Scenario Outline: Relevant flash messages should appear
    Given I am on the root page
    When I fill in some_field with: <name>
    Then I should see <message>
        |        name           |        message        |
        | Some name             | Relevant message      |
        | Some other name       | Irrelevant message    |
        | Some another name     | another flash message |

你注意到我去掉了Background:因为我们在Scenario Outline:中得到了它的覆盖 我认为这些步骤将运行且简单,无需过多重复

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