ruby-on-rails - Rails-FeatureEnvy : ApplicationHelper#full_title refers to 'page_title' more than self (maybe move it to another class?)

标签 ruby-on-rails ruby reek feature-envy

我正在学习 Michael Hartl 的 Rails 类(class),on chapter 4 , 我的函数 full_title 如下:


module ApplicationHelper
  def full_title page_title = ""
    base_title = t "app_name"
    page_title.empty? ? base_title : page_title + " | " + base_title

运行 reek(代码审查工具),我收到警告:

app/helpers/application_helper.rb -- 1 warning:
  [4, 4]:FeatureEnvy: ApplicationHelper#full_title refers to 'page_title' more than self (maybe move it to another class?) []



documentation of reek解释功能嫉妒如下:

Feature Envy occurs when a code fragment references another object more often than it references itself, or when several clients do the same series of manipulations on a particular type of object.

在这种特殊情况下,我认为这个问题可以忽略。辅助方法很自然地会接受参数并对其进行操作,而不是引用 self(在本例中是 View 对象)。

如何从 reek 的分析中排除助手:

您应该能够通过将其添加到 config.reek 来排除所有助手是否符合“功能羡慕”规则。 文件:

    enabled: false

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