python - 人口平衡分层随机抽样

标签 python pandas scikit-learn statistics


     ErrorType   Samples
        1          XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
        2          XXXXXXXX
        3          XX
        4          XXX
        5          XXXXXXXXXXXX

我想从 40 个中随机抽取 20 个,而不会对参与人数较少的类(class)进行欠采样。例如在上面的例子中,我想采样如下

     ErrorType   Samples
        1          XXXXX|XXXXXXXXXX
        2          XXXXX|XXX
        3          XX***|
        4          XXX**|
        5          XXXXX|XXXXXXX


  1. 这保证我的样本大小接近我的目标,即 20 个样本
  2. 所有类(class)都没有参加,尤其是 -3 和 -4 类。

我最终写了一个迂回的代码,但我相信可以有更简单的方法来利用 pandas 方法或一些 sklearn 函数。

 sample_size = 20 # Just for the example
 # Determine the average participaction per error types
 avg_items = sample_size / len(df.ErrorType.unique())
 value_counts = df.ErrorType.value_counts()
 less_than_avg = value_counts[value_counts < avg_items]
 offset = avg_items * len(value_counts[value_counts < avg_items]) - sum(less_than_avg)
 offset_per_item = offset / (len(value_counts) - len(less_than_avg))
 adj_avg = int(non_act_count / len(value_counts) + offset_per_item)
 df = df.groupby(['ErrorType'],
                 group_keys=False).apply(lambda g: g.sample(min(adj_avg, len(g)))))


您可以使用辅助列来查找长度超过样本大小的样本,并使用 pd.Series.sample


df = pd.DataFrame({'ErrorType':[1,2,3,4,5],

df['new'] =df['Samples'].str.len().where(df['Samples'].str.len()<5,5)
# this is let us know how many samples can be extracted per row
#0    5
#1    5
#2    3
#3    2
#4    5
Name: new, dtype: int64
# Sampling based on newly obtained column i.e 
df.apply(lambda x : pd.Series(x['Samples']).sample(x['new']).tolist(),1)

0    [52, 81, 43, 60, 46]
1         [8, 7, 0, 9, 1]
2               [2, 1, 0]
3                  [1, 0]
4    [29, 24, 16, 15, 69]
Name: sample2, dtype: object

我写了一个函数来返回带有 thresh 的样本大小,即

def get_thres_arr(sample_size,sample_length): 
    thresh = sample_length.min()
    size = np.array([thresh]*len(sample_length))
    sum_of_size = sum(size)
    while sum_of_size< sample_size:
        # If the lenght is more than threshold then increase the thresh by 1 i.e  
        size = np.where(sample_length>thresh,thresh+1,sample_length)
        sum_of_size = sum(size)
        #increment threshold
    return size

df = pd.DataFrame({'ErrorType':[1,2,3,4,5,1,7,9,4,5],
ndf = pd.DataFrame({'ErrorType':[1,2,3,4,5,6],

#array([5, 5, 3, 1, 2, 5])

#array([2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2])


df['new'] = get_thres_arr(20,df['Samples'].str.len())
df.apply(lambda x : pd.Series(x['Samples']).sample(x['new']).tolist(),1)

0    [64, 89]
1      [4, 0]
2      [0, 1]
3      [1, 0]
4    [41, 80]
5    [25, 84]
6      [4, 0]
7      [2, 0]
8      [1, 0]
9     [34, 1]


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