python - 使用 Python 对 Excel 列进行排序

标签 python pandas sorting pivot


time    type    value
80      1A      10
100     1A      20
60      18      56
80      18      7
80      2A      10
100     2A      10
80      28      10
100     28      20


type    60  80  100
1A          10  20
1B      56  7   
2A          10  10
2B          10  20


target_column = 0
book = open_workbook('result.xls')
sheet = book.sheets()[0]
data = [sheet.row_values(i) for i in range(sheet.nrows)]
labels = data[0]
data = data[1:]
data.sort(key= lambda x: x[target_column])

bk = xlwt.Workbook()
sheet = bk.add_sheet(
for idx, label in enumerate(labels):
    sheet.write(0, idx, label)

for idx_r, row in enumerate(data):
    for idx_c, value in enumerate(row):
        sheet.write(idx_r+1, idx_c, value)'resul.xls')

我如何使用 Python?


您可以使用 pandas.DataFrame.pivot()这样做:


df.pivot(index='type', columns='time', values='value')


df = pd.read_fwf(StringIO(u"""
    time    type    value
    80      1A      10
    100     1A      20
    60      18      56
    80      18      7
    80      2A      10
    100     2A      10
    80      28      10
    100     28      20"""), header=1)

print(df.pivot(index='type', columns='time', values='value'))


   time type  value
0    80   1A     10
1   100   1A     20
2    60   18     56
3    80   18      7
4    80   2A     10
5   100   2A     10
6    80   28     10
7   100   28     20

time   60    80    100
18    56.0   7.0   NaN
1A     NaN  10.0  20.0
28     NaN  10.0  20.0
2A     NaN  10.0  10.0

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