python - 如何让 numpy 不以科学记数法打印

标签 python numpy


这是一个非常简单的问题,但我不知道用正确的词来谷歌。我有一个 numpy 数组:

A = np.array([ 8.1588e-01, -3.9675e-04])

我想把它打印成普通的十进制数字。即 0.81588, -0.00039675



Numpy 让您可以使用 set_printoptions 全局自定义输出.


 np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) # don't use scientific notation


suppress : bool, optional

If True, always print floating point numbers using fixed point notation, in which case numbers equal to zero in the current precision will print as zero. If False, then scientific notation is used when absolute value of the smallest number is < 1e-4 or the ratio of the maximum absolute value to the minimum is > 1e3. The default is False.

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