python - 使用逻辑( bool )表达式对 Pandas Dataframe 进行切片

标签 python pandas slice logical-operators boolean-expression

当我尝试使用逻辑表达式对我的 Pandas 数据框进行切片时出现异常。


    GDP_norm    SP500_Index_deflated_norm
1980    2.121190    0.769400
1981    2.176224    0.843933
1982    2.134638    0.700833
1983    2.233525    0.829402
1984    2.395658    0.923654
1985    2.497204    0.922986
1986    2.584896    1.09770
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
Int64Index: 38 entries, 1980 to 2017
Data columns (total 2 columns):
GDP_norm                     38 non-null float64
SP500_Index_deflated_norm    38 non-null float64
dtypes: float64(2)
memory usage: 912.0 bytes


df[((df['GDP_norm'] >=3.5 & df['GDP_norm'] <= 4.5) & (df['SP500_Index_deflated_norm'] > 3)) | (

   (df['GDP_norm'] >= 4.0 & df['GDP_norm'] <= 5.0) & (df['SP500_Index_deflated_norm'] < 3.5))]


TypeError: cannot compare a dtyped [float64] array with a scalar of type [bool]


我建议单独创建 bool 掩码以获得更好的可读性和更容易的错误处理。

m1m2 代码中缺少(),问题出在运算符优先级上:

docs - 6.16。运算符优先级 & 具有更高的优先级,如 >=:

Operator                                Description

lambda                                  Lambda expression
if – else                               Conditional expression
or                                      Boolean OR
and                                     Boolean AND
not x                                   Boolean NOT
in, not in, is, is not,                 Comparisons, including membership tests    
<, <=, >, >=, !=, ==                    and identity tests
|                                       Bitwise OR
^                                       Bitwise XOR
&                                       Bitwise AND

(expressions...), [expressions...],     Binding or tuple display, list display,       
{key: value...}, {expressions...}       dictionary display, set display

m1 = (df['GDP_norm'] >=3.5) & (df['GDP_norm'] <= 4.5)
m2 = (df['GDP_norm'] >= 4.0) & (df['GDP_norm'] <= 5.0)

m3 = m1 & (df['SP500_Index_deflated_norm'] > 3)
m4 = m2 & (df['SP500_Index_deflated_norm'] < 3.5)

df[m3 | m4]

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