python - 将 pd.dataframe 中的部分列替换为具有不同长度的数组

标签 python pandas dataframe

我想创建一个包含多个长度不同的列的数据框,因为我认为这对于 pd.dataframe 是不可能的我之前存储过(不同长度)。我已经尝试过 dataframe.replace 和 dataframe.update 但我无法得到这个结果。

enter image description here

数组的类型和形状是: enter image description here


您必须从索引 1 插入数组。为此你可以做到,

df['dobs'][1:] = dobs



df = pd.DataFrame()

df['dobs'] = [0.] * 45
df['dpred_0'] = [0.] * 45
df['dpred'] = [0.] * 45
df['mrec'] = [0.] * 45


dobs = np.array([x for x in range(1, 45)])
dpred_0 = np.array([x for x in range(1, 45)])
dpred = np.array([x for x in range(1, 45)])
mrec = np.array([x for x in range(1, 46)])


print(dobs.shape, dpred_0.shape, dpred.shape, mrec.shape, df.shape) # ((44,), (44,), (44,), (45,), (45, 4))

要将索引 1 中的列替换为更短的数组,您可以这样做,

df['dobs'][1:] = dobs
df['dpred_0'][1:] = dpred_0
df['dpred'][1:] = dpred
df['mrec'] = mrec # mrec is of shape (45, ) so no need to start from index 1

   dobs    dpred_0  dpred   mrec
0   0.0      0.0    0.0      1
1   1.0      1.0    1.0      2
2   2.0      2.0    2.0      3
3   3.0      3.0    3.0      4
4   4.0      4.0    4.0      5

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