python - 查找树中两个节点之间的(保证唯一的)路径

标签 python networkx graph-traversal

我有一个(可能)简单的图遍历问题。我是一个图形新手,使用 networkx 作为我的图形数据结构。我的图表总是看起来像这样:

      1              8
   2     3       9      10
 4  5   6 7    11 12  13  14

我需要返回从根节点到给定节点的路径(例如,path(0, 11) 应该返回 [0, 8, 9, 11]).


def VisitNode(self, node, target, path):
    # Base case. If we found the target, then notify the stack that we're done.
    if node == target:
        return True
        # If we're at a leaf and it isn't the target, then pop the leaf off
        # our path (backtrack) and notify the stack that we're still looking
        if len(self.neighbors(node)) == 0:
            return False
            # Sniff down the next available neighboring node
            for i in self.neighbors_iter(node):
                # If this next node is the target, then return the path 
                # we've constructed so far
                if self.VisitNode(i, target, path):
                    return path
            # If we've gotten this far without finding the target, 
            # then this whole branch is a dud. Backtrack



您可以通过在失败时返回 None 并在成功时返回部分路径来避免绕过路径。通过这种方式,您不会保留从根到当前节点的某种“面包屑痕迹”,但如果找到它,您只会构建一条从目标返回根的路径。未经测试的代码:

def VisitNode(self, node, target):
    # Base case. If we found the target, return target in a list
    if node == target:
        return [node]

    # If we're at a leaf and it isn't the target, return None 
    if len(self.neighbors(node)) == 0:
        return None

    # recursively iterate over children
    for i in self.neighbors_iter(node):
        tail = self.VisitNode(i, target)
        if tail: # is not None
            return [node] + tail # prepend node to path back from target
    return None #none of the children contains target

我不知道您使用的图形库,但我假设即使是叶子也包含 neighbours_iter 方法,这显然不应该为叶子产生任何 child 。在这种情况下,您可以省略对叶子的显式检查,使其更短一些:

def VisitNode(self, node, target):
    # Base case. If we found the target, return target in a list
    if node == target:
        return [node]
    # recursively iterate over children
    for i in self.neighbors_iter(node):
        tail = self.VisitNode(i, target)
        if tail: # is not None
            return [node] + tail # prepend node to path back from target
    return None # leaf node or none of the child contains target

我还删除了一些 else 语句,因为在 if 的 true-part 中你是从函数返回的。这是常见的 refactering pattern (有些老派的人不喜欢)。这会删除一些不必要的缩进。

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