python - 如何在使用python写入文件之前将文件指针排成一行?

标签 python file file-pointer




#-------Original file 
This is line 1 
This is line 2
[--blank line--] 
This is line 3
This is line 4
[--blank line--]
[--blank line--]

在上面的文件中附加“This is line 5”和“This is line 6”。

What is happening right now!

#-------Original file 
This is line 1 
This is line 2
[--blank line--] 
This is line 3
This is line 4
[--blank line--] 
[--blank line--]  
This is line 5
This is line 6

What I want !

#-------Original file 
This is line 1 
This is line 2
[--blank line--] 
This is line 3
This is line 4
[--blank line--]  #Only one blank line. Second blank line should be removed
This is line 5
This is line 6

我已经研究并找到了移动文件指针的解决方案。在将内容附加到文件时,文件指针可能出现在第二个空行之后。 如果我将文件指针向上移动一行然后附加“这是第 5 行”和“这是第 6 行”,它会起作用吗?

如果是,请协助我应该怎么做。 Seek() 函数似乎没那么有用!

除了 seek() 之外的任何想法也很受欢迎。




with open('fname', 'rw') as f:
    prev = pos = 0
    while f.readline():
        prev, pos = pos, f.tell()
    # Use f

如果您不想花时间通读文件,您需要做出决定,例如支持什么行尾,而这里 Python 会为你做这件事。

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