python - 如何按元素将值分配给 theano 矩阵? Numpy 和 Theano 的区别?

标签 python arrays numpy matrix theano

我是 theano 的新手。我想用 theano 函数替换脚本中的 numpy 函数,以加快计算过程。我不知道该怎么做。

我的最终目标是对 3D 刚体应用仿射变换,为每次变换后的构象分配一个分数,并对决定分数的参数做一些优化。


import numpy as numpy 
import theano 
import theano.tensor as T 

pi = 3.141592653
deg2rad = lambda angle: (angle/180.)*pi 

# generate 3D transformation matrix for rotation around x axis by angle 

def rotate_x_axis_numpy(angle):  # my old numpy function 
    a    = deg2rad(angle)
    cosa = np.cos(a)
    sina = np.sin(a)
    R    = np.identity(4)
    R[1][1] = cosa; R[1][2] = -sina
    R[2][1] = sina; R[2][2] =  cosa
    return R    

angle_var = T.dscalar()

def rotate_x_axis_expr(angle): # new theano function expression I expected to work  
    a    = T.deg2rad(angle)
    cosa = T.cos(a)
    sina = T.sin(a)   
    R    = theano.shared(np.identity(4))
    R[1][1] = cosa; R[1][2] = -sina
    R[2][1] = sina; R[2][2] =  cosa
    return R

rotate_x_axis_theano = theano.function([angle_var], rotate_x_axis_expr(angle_var))


TypeError     Traceback (most recent call last)<ipython-input-85-8d98ae1d1c9b> in <module>()
      17     return R
 ---> 19 rotate_x_axis_theano = theano.function([angle_var],rotate_x_axis_expr(angle_var))

<ipython-input-85-8d98ae1d1c9b> in rotate_x_axis_expr(angle)
 ---> 14     R[1][1] = cosa; R[1][2] = -sina
      15     R[2][1] = sina; R[2][2] =  cosa

TypeError: 'TensorVariable' object does not support item assignment


(1) 有没有一种方法可以按元素分配、更新或初始化具有特定形状的 theano 矩阵,


和 (3) theano 可以替代 numpy,因为我们可以仅使用 theano 函数来定义、优化和评估数学表达式,而无需调用 numpy 函数。


我无法回答你的问题 1、2、3,因为我在十分钟前还没有使用过 theano。但是,要在 theano 中定义函数,您似乎没有使用 def 结构;你想做更像这样的事情:

angle_var = T.dscalar('angle_var')
a    = T.deg2rad(angle_var)
cosa = T.cos(a)
sina = T.sin(a)   

R = theano.shared(np.identity(4))
R = T.set_subtensor(R[1,1],  cosa)
R = T.set_subtensor(R[1,2], -sina)
R = T.set_subtensor(R[2,1],  sina)
R = T.set_subtensor(R[2,2],  cosa)

rotate_x_axis_theano = theano.function([angle_var], R)


In [368]: timeit rotate_x_axis_theano(10)
10000 loops, best of 3: 67.7 µs per loop

In [369]: timeit rotate_x_axis_numpy(10)
The slowest run took 4.23 times longer than the fastest. This could mean that an intermediate result is being cached
10000 loops, best of 3: 22.7 µs per loop

In [370]: np.allclose(rotate_x_axis_theano(10), rotate_x_axis_numpy(10))
Out[370]: True

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