algorithm - 为什么 "Split"不是 Go 中 "string"类型的成员函数?

标签 algorithm go


# python
s = 'a,b,c,d,e'
tokens = s.split(',')

// javascript
let s = 'a,b,c,d,e'
let tokens = s.split(',')

// go
s := "a,b,c,d,e"
tokens := strings.Split(s, ",")

如您所见,“split”在Python和Javascript中是字符串类型的成员函数,但在Go中不是。 我想知道为什么,看起来像CPP中的STL,为什么操作类型实例的函数不是该类型的成员函数,在Go中似乎很容易实现它们,例如:

// go
func (s *string) Split(d string) []string {
  // here goes the code to split s with d given



As you can see, "split" is a member function of type string in python and javascript, but not in golang.

似乎从一开始就是这样:commit 729bc5c, Sept 2008, for Go1是第一个提及 string Split() 的提交功能。

rudimentary string utilities.

这些功能被视为“实用程序”,而不是 predeclared string type ' string ' itself 的一部分.

不久之后,它就被记录在commit 0f7306b, March 2009, still Go1中。

// Split returns the array representing the substrings of s separated by string sep. Adjacent
// occurrences of sep produce empty substrings.  If sep is empty, it is the same as Explode.
func Split(s, sep string) []string {

您可以在 commit 5eae3b2, April 2009 中看到它的首次使用。在 func LookPath(file string) (string, *os.Error) {

同样的方法也适用于字节与字节:commit 7893322, June 2009; Go1 ,带有 similar Split() function .

add a bytes package analogous to the strings package.

请参阅commit 30533d6, June 2009 :

Change strings.Split, bytes.Split to take a maximum substring count argument.

func Split(s, sep []byte, n int) [][]byte

更加剧烈的演变:commit ebb1566, June 2011

strings.Split: make the default to split all.
Change the signature of Split to have no count, assuming a full split, and rename the existing Split with a count to SplitN.

另一个想法是继续使用 string ,同时可能在不需要时删除对这些实用程序函数的依赖关系(如 commit 35ace1d, Nov. 2009 :“删除对 strconvstrings 的依赖关系”)

请参阅commit 5d436b9, Nov. 2009 : 行 := strings.SplitAfter(text, "\n", 0) ,它使用 Split() .

另一个优点:您可以独立于 string 来优化这些功能本身,允许将重复的“Split”函数替换为 strings.Split() .
请参阅commit f388119, March 2013, Go 1.1

go/printer: use strings.Split instead of specialized code

With the faster strings package, the difference between the specialized code and strings.Split is in the noise:

benchmark         old ns/op    new ns/op    delta
BenchmarkPrint     16724291     16686729   -0.22%

相反的情况也是如此:用更简单的代码替换 strings.Split,如commit d0c9b40, Sept. 2015, Go 1.6

mime: Remove an allocation in word decoding.

This fixes a TODO in (*WordDecoder).Decode by replacing a call to strings.Split with simple prefix/suffix checking and some custom slicing.

Benchmark results:

benchmark                    old ns/op     new ns/op     delta
BenchmarkQEncodeWord-8       740           693           -6.35%
BenchmarkQDecodeWord-8       1291          727           -43.69%
BenchmarkQDecodeHeader-8     1194          767           -35.76%

(与 commit ecff943, Sept. 2017, Go 1.11 中的想法相同)

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